Foto del docente

Elena Musiani

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: HIST-03/A Contemporary History

Curriculum vitae

Elena Musiani


-         1997: graduation with honours in Political Sciences at the University of Bologna with a thesis in Comparative Political History on: L'immagine della ricostruzione italiana nella stampa estera 1947-1951. Il caso britannico.

-         1996/1997: Master of Philosophy in European Politics and Society at the University of Oxford

-         2002: PhD graduation with honours in “History and computing” at the University of Bologna with a thesis on: Via Zamboni 1801-1889: trasformazioni sociali e urbanistiche. Gestione delle informazioni.

-         2002: Post-doctoral Fellowship at Cineca (University of Bologna).

-         2005/2006: Post-doctoral Fellowship at the University of Paris X (France)




My principal research interests are on Social and Urban History - with a particular attention to social, economical and political transformation - and on Women's History between XIXth and XXth centuries.


I started my research inside the Nu.M.E. Project (New Electronic Museum of the city of Bologna) in order to study the development and transformation of the city of Bologna from Middle Ages to modern times and I particularly studied the social, economical and political transformation of the city during the XIXth century.


I now work together with some cultural and research centres in Bologna and in Italy such as the Institute for the History of Risorgimento; the Museum of Risorgimento and the National Centre for Women's studies with researches about the History of Bologna; women's History and in particular the relationship between “women and culture”, with a special attention to women' literary production.

I published several articles and two books: Da una strada alla città. Il volto di Bologna nell'Ottocento (Bologna, 2003) e Circoli e salotti femminili nell'Ottocento. Le donne bolognesi tra politica e sociabilità (Bologna, 2003). 

I am now ending a research about Pizzardi family, an important family of Bologna during the XIXth and XXth centuries.


I have worked for the Women's centre of Bologna to realize a women's Digital Library and with a research about Tradizioni politiche, scientifiche, artistiche e sapienziali delle donne, a comparative reflection on European scale. The first results are published in Donne contro la guerra. Donne per la pace, (con Elda Guerra e Fiorenza Tarozzi),   «Bollettino del Museo del Risorgimento», n.m., anno L, Bologna, 2005.

I also participated at the creation of the “Virtual Museum” of the Certosa (cemetery) of Bologna.


From 2005 my research attained a European comparative dimension. During my post-PhD fellowship at the University of Paris X (France) I helped to create the Maison de l'Europe contemporaine, a study centre created to organize conference and seminars on an interdisciplinary and international level.  My duty was that of building a European network of researchers.

During this period I also participated at many international conferences.


I am at the moment assistant professor at the University of Bologna.