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Elena Esposito

Full Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-06/A Sociology of Cultural and Communication Processes


Mindlin, Dimitry; Beer, Fabian; Nora Sieger, Leonie; Heindorf, Stefan; Esposito, Elena; Ngonga Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille; Cimiano, Philipp, Beyond one-shot explanations: a systematic literature review of dialogue-based xAI approaches, «ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW», 2025, 58, Article number: 81 , pp. 1 - 37 [Scientific article]Open Access

Simon Egbert; Elena Esposito, Algorithmic crime prevention. From abstract police to precision policing, «POLICING & SOCIETY», 2024, 34, pp. 521 - 534 [Scientific article]Open Access

Elena Esposito, Dominik Hofmann, Costanza Coloni, Can a Predicted Future Still be an Open Future? Algorithmic Forecasts and Actionability in Precision Medicine, «HISTORY AND THEORY», 2024, 63, pp. 4 - 24 [Scientific article]Open Access

E.Esposito, Can we use the open future? Preparedness and innovation in times of self-generated uncertainty, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL THEORY», 2024, 27, pp. 209 - 224 [Scientific article]Open Access

Elena Esposito, Kommunikation mit unverständlichen Maschinen, Wien-Salzburg, Residenz, 2024, pp. 96 . [Research monograph]Open Access

Esposito, Elena, L’intelligenza degli algoritmi, «PSICHE», 2024, 2, pp. 537 - 547 [Scientific article]

Elena Esposito, Order of play - disorder of the world., «INTO THE MAGIC CIRCLE», 2024, 1, pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]Open Access

Pütz, O; Esposito, E., Performance without understanding: How ChatGPT relies on humans to repair conversational trouble, «DISCOURSE & COMMUNICATION», 2024, 18, pp. 859 - 868 [Scientific article]Open Access

Esposito, E.; Angelini, P.; Schneider, S., Precision Epidemiology: A Computational Analysis of the Impact of Algorithmic Prediction on the Relationship between Population Epidemiology and Clinical Epidemiology, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH», 2024, 69, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]

Esposito, E., The Dilemma of Trust in the Risk Society. Commentary on Gil Eyal, Larry Au and Cristian Capotescu’s “Trust is a Verb!”, «SOCIOLOGICA», 2024, 18, pp. 193 - 198 [Scientific article]

Esposito, Elena; Mascareño, Aldo; Araos, Consuelo; Gardella, Nicole, Una cuestión de tiempo – Entrevista con Elena Esposito, «ESTUDIOS PUBLICOS», 2024, 174, pp. 147 - 170 [Scientific article]

elena esposito, Les limites de l’interprétation et la clôture de la communication. Umberto Eco et Niklas Luhmann observent des textes, in: Niklas Luhmann, une théorie générale de la société., Paris, Editions de la Sorbonne, 2023, pp. 229 - 248 [Chapter or essay]

Esposito, Elena, Luhmann, sugli algoritmi, nel 1966, «QUADERNI DI TEORIA SOCIALE», 2023, 2, pp. 93 - 101 [Scientific article]Open Access

E.Esposito (trad.): Olvido social. Formas y medios de la memoria de la sociedad., Santiago del Chile, Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2023, pp. 388
. Opera originale: Autore: Elena Esposito - Titolo: La memoria sociale. Mezzi per comunicare e modi di dimenticare [Book (translation)]

Elena, Esposito, The sense of presence in a virtualized society, in: Beyond Matter, Within Space. Curatorial and Art Mediation Techniques on the Verge of Virtual Reality, Karlsruhe, KZM, 2023, pp. 330 - 335 [Chapter or essay]Open Access

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