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Elena Dagrada is full professor at the DAR of the University of Bologna. Previously she taught at the Université de Bordeaux 3 Michel de Montaigne, the University of Milan, the Scuola Nazionale di Cinema-CSC (Rome) and the Scuola del Documentario-Città della Scienza (Naples); she has also held lectures at various Italian and foreign universities. She has long worked on point-of-view shot and early cinema, publishing, among others, the second edition of the International Bibliography on Early Cinema (1995) and Between the Eye and the World. The Birth of the Point-of-View Shot (2014). Her book Le varianti transparenti. I film con Ingrid Bergman di Roberto Rossellini (2005, 2nd expanded ed. 2008) received a mention at the Efebo d’Oro award and won the Limina award for the best book on theory and historiographical research. From 1993 to 1997 she was a member of the Executive Committee of DOMITOR (International Association for research on early cinema) and from 2015 to 2021 she was President of AIRSC (Italian Association for Research in Cinema History).