Foto del docente

Edoardo Ugolini

PhD Student

Department of Industrial Engineering

Research fellow

Department of Industrial Engineering

Teaching tutor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: ING-IND/18 Nuclear Reactor Physics


Keywords: CNN - Imaging - Physical modeling - CFD - Abdominal Aorthic Aneurysm

  • Machine learning: ConvNets applications on biomedical images for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm semantic segmentation inside enhanced diagnostic software.
  • Computational Fluid Dynamic: transient physical modelling of a non-Newtonian flow inside an Abdominal Aorthic Aneurysm. Quantitative analysis for numerical evaluation of the WSS vector field and OSI in a cardiac cycle.
  • Non-equilibrum plasma: Analisys of a Corona spark ignited engine's effect on the pre-flame mixture for biogases and hydrogen blended fuel.

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