Foto del docente

Elena Cervellati

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: PEMM-01/A Performing Arts

Short Bio

Associate professor, she teaches History of Dance and Dance Theories at the University of Bologna. Here she co-ordinates the Research Group Theories and Practices of Italian Dance [], curates the European branch of the Kazuo Ohno Archive [] and directs, with Elena Randi, the journal ‘Danza e ricerca. Laboratorio di studi, scritture, visioni [] ', founded by Eugenia Casini Ropa. Her writings touch on ballet in the first half of the 19th century, the forms of contemporary Italian dance from the 1970s onwards, the relations between words and the dancing body, and screendance. Among her books, Théophile Gautier e la danza. La rivelazione del corpo nel balletto del XIX secolo (2007), Storia della danza (2020), Marie Taglioni e Giselle in Italia. Migrazioni e traduzioni del balletto romantico nell’Ottocento (2024). From 1997 to 2002 she was the manager of the Compagnia Abbondanza/Bertoni and since 2008 she has been planning dance events for the Centro La Soffitta.

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+39 051 20 9 2035

Other contacts


Dipartimento delle Arti
Via Barberia 4, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Students are received in person at the professor's studio (Department of the Arts, Via Barberia 4) or online (via the Teams platform), according to the timetable indicated in the web page in italian, subject to an appointment to be made by email (