Foto del docente

Dmitri Rouwet

Adjunct professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Short Bio

  • I am a researcher in Volcanology at INGV-Bologna, with a passion for the chemistry and dynamics of active volcanic lakes. My aim is to shed light on the functioning of the lake-surrounding volcano-hydrothermal system, with a special emphasis on variations in volcanic activity and tracking its state of unrest;
  • I am a member of the INGV monitoring team surveilling active volcanoes in Italy: Stromboli and Vulcano (2003-2012, at INGV-Palermo), and Campi Flegrei (since 2015, at INGV-Bologna);
  • My academic education (MSc and PhD, 2000-2006) was enrolled at Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM, in Mexico City, supervised by Yuri Taran, a pioneer in fluid geochemistry of volcano-hydrothermal systems;
  • Current webmaster and ex-Leader (2010-2019) of the IAVCEI Commission on Volcanic Lakes;
  • Acquisition Editor for SpringerGeo for the IAVCEI Series Active Volcanoes of the World and Advances in Volcanology;
  • I'm originally from Belgium, but live in Italy since 2006.
Go to the Curriculum vitae



Other contacts


Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali
Piazza di Porta S.Donato 1, Bologna - Go to map

Office hours

From Monday to Thursday between 10 AM and 4 PM, at INGV-Bologna (Viale Berti Pichat 6/2, Bologna). Appointments by email are desired.

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