2007 - Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, University of Bologna at Forlì. Laurea specialistica in “Traduzione settoriale e per l'editoria”. Dissertation in Computer-Assisted Translation.
2004 - Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e
Traduttori, University of Bologna at Forlì. Laurea in
“Traduzione e Interpretazione di trattativa”. Dissertation in
liaison interpreting between Italian and French.
Trados Authorized Trainer for Italy (Trados Studio and MultiTerm)
Trados Studio Level 3 Certification
MultiTerm Certification
RWS Post-Editing Certification
RWS Linguistic Prompt Design Certification
Academic Year 2023-2024: - Adjunct lecturer at the Department of Interpreting and Translation (University of Bologna, Forlì campus) in the following courses or modules:
· Computer-assisted Translation and Post-Editing (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation - curriculum Specialized Translation)
· Computer-assisted Translation (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation – curriculum Translation and Technology)
· Metodi e Tecnologie per l’Interpretazione (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Metodi e Tecnologie avanzate per l’Interpretazione (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Traduzione assistita in italiano dall’inglese (First cycle degree programme in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation)
Academic Year 2022-2023: - Adjunct lecturer at the Department of Interpreting and Translation (University of Bologna, Forlì campus) in the following courses or modules:
· Computer-assisted Translation and Post-Editing (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation - curriculum Specialized Translation)
· Computer-assisted Translation (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation – curriculum Translation and Technology)
· Metodi e Tecnologie per l’Interpretazione (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Metodi e Tecnologie avanzate per l’Interpretazione (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Traduzione assistita in italiano dall’inglese (First cycle degree programme in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation)
Academic Year 2021-2022: - Adjunct lecturer at the Department of Interpreting and Translation (University of Bologna, Forlì campus) in the following courses or modules:
· Computer-assisted Translation and Post-Editing (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation - curriculum Specialized Translation)
· Computer-assisted Translation (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation – curriculum Translation and Technology)
· Metodi e Tecnologie per l’Interpretazione (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Metodi e Tecnologie avanzate per l’Interpretazione (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Traduzione assistita in italiano dall’inglese (First cycle degree programme in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation)
Academic Year 2020-2021: - Adjunct lecturer at the Department of Interpreting and Translation (University of Bologna, Forlì campus) in the following courses or modules:
· Computer-assisted Translation and Web Localization (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Machine Translation and Post-editing (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Metodi e Tecnologie per l’Interpretazione (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Metodi e Tecnologie avanzate per l’Interpretazione (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Traduzione assistita in italiano dall'inglese (First cycle degree programme in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation)
Academic Year 2019-2020 - Adjunct lecturer at the Department of Interpreting and Translation (University of Bologna, Forlì campus) in the following courses or modules:
· Computer-assisted Translation and Web Localization (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Machine Translation and Post-editing (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Metodi e Tecnologie per l’Interpretazione (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Metodi e Tecnologie avanzate per l’Interpretazione (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Computer-assisted Translation from English into Italian (First cycle degree programme in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation)
Academic Year 2018-2019 - Adjunct lecturer at Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, Traduzione e Interpretazione (University of Bologna), Department of Interpreting and Translation (Forlì) in the following courses or modules:
· Computer-assisted Translation and Web Localization (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Machine Translation and Post-editing (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Methods and Technologies for Interpreting I (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Methods and Technologies for Interpreting II (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Computer-assisted Translation from English into Italian (First cycle degree programme in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation)
Academic Year 2017-2018 - Adjunct lecturer at Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, Traduzione e Interpretazione (University of Bologna), Department of Interpreting and Translation (Forlì) in the following courses or modules:
· Computer-assisted Translation and Web Localization (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Machine Translation and Post-editing (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Methods and Technologies for Interpreting I (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Methods and Technologies for Interpreting II (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Computer-assisted Translation from English into Italian (First cycle degree programme in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation)
Academic Year 2016-2017 - Adjunct lecturer at Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, Traduzione e Interpretazione (University of Bologna), Department of Interpreting and Translation (Forlì) in the following courses or modules:
· Computer-assisted Translation and Web Localization (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Machine Translation and Post-editing (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Methods and Technologies for Interpreting I (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Methods and Technologies for Interpreting II (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Computer-assisted Translation from English into Italian (First cycle degree programme in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation)
Academic Year 2015-2016 - Adjunct lecturer at Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, Traduzione e Interpretazione (University of Bologna), Department of Interpreting and Translation (Forlì) in the following courses or modules:
· Data mining and terminology (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Computer-assisted Translation and Localization (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Machine Translation and Post-editing (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Methods and Technologies for Interpreting I (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Computer-assisted Translation from English into Italian (First cycle degree programme in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation)
Academic Year 2014-2015 - Adjunct lecturer at Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, Traduzione e Interpretazione (University of Bologna), Department of Interpreting and Translation (Forlì) in the following courses or modules:
· Data mining and terminology (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Computer-assisted Translation and Localization (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Machine Translation and Post-editing (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Terminology for Interpreters (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Technologies for Inetrpreting (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Computer-assisted Translation from English into Italian (First cycle degree programme in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation)
Academic Year 2013-2014 - Adjunct lecturer at Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, Traduzione e Interpretazione (University of Bologna), Department of Interpreting and Translation (Forlì) in the following courses or modules:
· Information mining and Localization (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· CAT Tools and Terminology (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Machine Translation and Post-editing (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Terminology for Interpreters (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Technologies for Inetrpreting (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Computer-assisted Translation from English into Italian (First cycle degree programme in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation)
Academic Year 2012-2013 - Adjunct lecturer at Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, Traduzione e Interpretazione (University of Bologna), Department of Interpreting and Translation (Forlì) in the following courses or modules:
· CAT Tools and Terminology (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Machine Translation and Post-editing (Second cycle degree programme in Specialized Translation)
· Terminology for Interpreters (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
· Technologies for Inetrpreting (Second cycle degree programme in Interpreting)
Teaching tutor in the Master's Degree in Specialized Translation, Department of Interpreting and Translation, Forlì campus, in the field of lifelong learning activities, especially in computer-assisted translation and terminology.
Trainer/Consultant at LSP and companies for the use of CAT and
terminology tools.
2010-2012 - Technician at the CAT and Terminology
laboratory (SSLMIT Forlì, University of Bologna)
2007-2009 - Collaborator at the CAT and Terminology
laboratory (SSLMIT Forlì, University of Bologna)
· April 2011 - present: trainings in the role of Trados Authorized Trainer at the CAT and Terminology laboratory (DIT Forlì, University of Bologna) Workshops archive:
· 31 MAy 2024: “Translation with neural MT and with Large language models: a user-oriented introduction”, webinar at the CAT and Terminology laboratory (DIT Forlì, University of Bologna)
· 19 aprile - 10 maggio 2024: “Tecnologie per la traduzione assistita”, series of lectures for the PhD course “Umanesimo e Tecnologie”, University of Macerata
· 20 aprile 2024: “Ricerca terminologica specialistica”, lecturing in the online course “Medical Interpreting Community”
· 10 aprile 2024: “New Technologies, Creativity and Ethical Issues: Copyright Challenges in the Age of AI”, lecturing at the Bologna Children’s Bookfair - Translator’s Café
· 12 dicembre 2023: “Il post-editing della traduzione automatica”, lecturing in online course, STL Formazione
· 6 June 2023: “Machine Translation e Post-editing”, lecturing in the online course “Diventare traduttori”, STL Formazione
· 28 March - 9 May - 6 June 2023: “Tecnologie per la traduzione assistita e automatica”, series of lectures for the PhD course “Umanesimo e Tecnologie”, University of Macerata
· 27 September - 28 October 2022: “La catalogazione semplice e avanzata della terminologia”, lecturing in training course for Banca d’Italia, DIT, Forlì, University of Bologna
· 23 May 2022: “La catalogazione della terminologia”, lecturing in training course for Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, DIT, Forlì, University of Bologna
· 8-9 April 2022: “Respeakeraggio per non udenti”, lecturing in the Advanced Training Course “Linguaggi per l’accessibilità e l’inclusione”, DIT, Forlì, University of Bologna
· 10-11-17 January 2022: “Live subtitiling”, lecturing in the Advanced Training Course “Teoria e tecniche di traduzione e sottotitolazione audiovisiva”, Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna
· 27 October and 8 November 2021: “Creazione e catalogazione semplice e avanzata della terminologia”, lecturing in training course for Banca d’Italia, DIT, Forlì, University of Bologna
· 16-17 April 2021: “Respeakeraggio per non udenti”, lecturing in the Advanced Training Course “Linguaggi per l’accessibilità e l’inclusione”, DIT, Forlì, University of Bologna
· 9-23 April 2021: “Per un uso consapevole della traduzione automatica nelle professioni linguistiche”, webinar & workshop, Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, dei beni culturali e del turismo, University of Macerata
· 13 March 2021: “May the odds be ever in your favour. Machine Translation, friend or foe?”, lecturing in the online international conference on Machine Translation and creativity, Bologna Children’s Bookfair
· 26 February – 5 March 2021: “Traduzione automatica e Post-Editing: introduzione alla tecnologia”, intervento nel webinar “Tecnologie linguistiche: nuove strategie per aumentare il proprio business”, Romagna Tech, Laboratorio aperto Casa Bufalini
· 27 January 2021: “Creating terminological projects for the detection of in-domain terminology: a workflow for interpreters”, seminar in the series “Technologies for Translation and Interpreting: Challenges and Latest Developments”, Research Group in Computational Linguistics, University of Wolverhampton
· 20 November 2020: “Traduzione automatica neurale e post-editing: nuove strategie per aumentare il proprio business”, lecturing in workshop, DIT, Forlì, University of Bologna
· 17 and 24 April 2020: “Estrarre e gestire la terminologia: dalla ricerca delle informazioni al termbase”, lecturing in workshop, DIT, Forlì, University of Bologna
· 25 February 2020: “Machine Translation e Post-editing”, lecturing in the online course “Diventare traduttori”, organized by STL Formazione
· 16 November 2019: “Strumenti e metodi per la gestione della terminologia specializzata”, lecturing in the course “CQCT – Terminologia. Software e Metodologie di Supporto”, organized by Com&Tec, Zanhotel, Bologna
· 18 October 2019: “SDL Trados Studio 2019: produttività e qualità in un unico strumento”, lecturing at the "Giornata del Traduttore", Palazzo dei congressi, Pisa
· 14 September 2019: “SDL Trados Studio 2019 with Machine Translation”, lecturing in the School of Advanced Technologies for Translators organized by FBK, IULM, Università di Lingue e Comunicazione, Milan
· 30 May 2019: “Le regole d’oro per gestire le tue memorie di traduzione con SDL Trados Studio 2019”, SDL Trados Roadshow, Rosa Grand Hotel, Milan
· 7 May 2019: “Estrazione terminologica e redazione di glossari”, lecturing in the course "Italiano lingua C per interpreti di conferenza", DIT, Forlì, University of Bologna
· 27 Macrh 2019: “Ottenere il massimo dalle memorie di traduzione di Studio 2019”, webinar for SDL Trados
· 21 marzo 2019: “Memorie di traduzione di Studio 2019 - Livello base”, webinar for SDL Trados
· 15 marzo 2019: lecturing in the workshop “Adattarsi alla traduzione automatica in SDL Trados Studio 2019”, DIT, Forlì, University of Bologna
· 15 September 2018: “Terminology - extraction, management and integration into cat tools”, lecturing in the School of Advanced Technologies for Translators organized by FBK, IULM, International University of Langauages and Media, Milan
· 11 June 2018: “Tools and term banks for interpreters – Documentation”, lecturing in the Summer School SHIFT in Orality (Intellectual Output 5), DIT, Forlì, University of Bologna
· 26 May 2018: lecturing in the workshop “Traduzione Automatica e Post-Editing: sistemi statistici e neurali”, DIT, Forlì, University of Bologna
· 16 April 2018: “Sottotitolazione in tempo reale: una professione per il futuro”, conference “Abbattere le barriere della comunicazione, per una società inclusiva anche per le persone sorde”, Assemblea Legislativa regione Emilia Romagna, Bologna
· 8 June 2017: “Produttività nella traduzione con SDL Trados Studio 2017”, SDL Trados Roadshow, Westin Palace Hotel, Milan
· 8 April 2017: lecturing in the workshop “Traduzione Automatica e Post-Editing”, DIT, Forlì, Università di Bologna
· 15 April 2016: “Strumenti per la traduzione dell’etichettatura agro-alimentare: aspetti linguistici, terminologici e legali”. XXVI Convegno internazionale Ass.I.Term “Terminologia e organizzazione della conoscenza nella conservazione della memoria digitale”, University of Calabria.
· 30 August 2012: “Upgrade da SDL Trados 2007 a SDL Trados
Studio 2011: modalità e benefici”, Webinar for SDL Trados
· 12 November 2011: lecturing in the workshop
“Lifelong Learning alla SSLMIT - La traduzione automatica: un nuovo
strumento per il traduttore”, SSLMIT Forlì, University of
· 27 November 2010: lecturing in
the workshop “Lifelong Learning alla SSLMIT - La traduzione
automatica: un nuovo strumento per il traduttore”, SSLMIT Forlì,
University of Bologna
· 2 October 2010: lecturing in the workshop “Lifelong
Learning alla SSLMIT - SDL Trados Studio 2009 e Bootcat”, SSLMIT
Forlì, University of Bologna
· 25-26 June 2010: lecturing in the workshop
“Lifelong Learning alla SSLMIT - SDL Trados Studio 2009 e Bootcat”,
SSLMIT Forlì, University of Bologna
· 19 April 2010: “SDL Passolo 2009 for beginners”, Webinar
for SDL Trados
· 18 February 2010: “SDL MultiTerm 2009 for beginners”,
Webinar for SDL Trados
· 15 December 2009: “La versione italiana del Pavel”,
Seminario di Terminologia Ispanofona, SITLEC Forlì, University of
· 22-23 October 2009: lecturing in the workshop
“L'uso di SDL MultiTerm 2007 in terminologia”, EURAC, Bolzano
· 12 October 2009: lecturing in the course
“Terminologia e Terminografia”, Master in Editoria Cartacea e
Multimediale, Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici (SSSUB),
University of Bologna
· 10-11 June 2009: “La variazione in traduzione e in
redazione tecnica", Ass.I.Term national conference, University of Genova.
· 9 June 2009: “Un glossario terminologico IT/ES nel
settore bancario: uno strumento utile non solo agli esperti di
economia”, V Realiter scientific day “Terminologia e plurilinguismo
nell'economia internazionale”, Cattolica del Sacro
Cuore University, Milano.
· 21 May 2009: “A proposito di Terminologia”, SDL Trados
Roadshow, Hotel NH Jolly President, Milano
· 6 March 2009: “Le banche dati terminologiche: quali e
perché”, Giornata di Studi "Parole o termini? Metodi e mezzi della
terminologia come disciplina", Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia,
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
· 27 February 2009: “Pratica traduttiva con sistemi CAT”,
Webinar for SDL Trados
· 21 January 2009: “Da WinAlign a Multiterm: database di
Lexicon per sistemi CAT”, Webinar for SDL Trados
· 30 October 2008: “Traduzione assistita in ambito
brevettuale”, lecturing in the "Redazione e Traduzione Assistita"
course, EURAC, Bolzano
· 11-12 September 2008: "Translation and interculture:
Traduzione, Globalizzazione, Internazionalizzazione,
Localizzazione”, “IKL 08 Intercultural knowledge landscapes”
seminar, Firenze, Indire
· 5-7 June 2008: “Processi di terminologizzazione e
determinologizzazione nel dominio della diffusione e distribuzione
del libro”, national Ass.I.Term conference, University
of Calabria, Cosenza
· 16 April 2008: “Modelli di Schede Terminologiche per
Traduttori e Interpreti”, Webinar for SDL Trados
· 6 March 2008: “Scrittura e riscrittura di manualistica
aziendale”, COM&TEC seminar "La comunicazione tecnica nel
processo di internazionalizzazione delle imprese", Villa
Fabbricotti, Firenze
· 28 February 2008, “L'emploi des bases de
données dans la traduction des brevets”, international
seminar "Les outils d'aide à la traduction", Bucarest
· 22 January 2008: “The SDL Trados Certification at the
SSLMIT of Forlì, University of Bologna”, Webinar for SDL