Foto del docente

Chiara Pizzirani

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: ARCH-01/C Civilizations of Pre-Roman History and Etruscology

Curriculum vitae


PhD, University of Padova, 2008: Archaeological Sciences

Master in Archaeology, University of Bologna, 2008

M.A., University of Bologna, 2002: Etruscology and Archaeology of Pre-Roman Italy


Academic Position

Associate Professor, Department of Archaeology, University of Bologna



Introduction to Etruscology

Archaeology of the Etruscan City

Archaeology of Production in Pre-Roman Italy



Since 1999, Etruscan city of Marzabotto

2000 Bologna

2000 Monterenzio (Bologna)

1998 Sinni Valley (Survey)


Major Grants

Member of Research Project “Urbanistic Form and Society in Po Valley Etruria between VI and IV Century b.C”, Italian Ministry for University and research, 2004-2006. Principal Investigator G. Sassatelli. 

Member of Research Project “Etruscans in Border Areas and Relationship with the Greeks. Funerary Ritual and Death Ideology between VI and V Century b.C.”, Italian Ministry for University and research, 2006-2008. Principal Investigator G. Sassatelli.

Member of Research Project “The Necropole of Valle Trebba in Spina: toward the Edition of the Context. Graves, Social Structure and Trade Connections”, Italian Ministry for University and research, 2008-2010. Principal Investigator G. Sassatelli.

Member of Research Project “The Etruscan City and Religion: Sanctuaries and Political Institutions”, Italian Ministry for University and Research, 2010-2013. Principal Investigator G. Sassatelli.


Scientific Activities

Member of the Institute of Etruscan and Italic Studies.

Her chief research fields concern religion and burial customs, Etruscan and Greek iconography, ancient peopling and architecture. The study of religion mainly focuses on Dionysus / Fufluns and involves the analysis of tombs of Etruscan Po Valley, with special attention to Attic pottery and those funerary stones of Bologna called “stele felsinee”. The study of a whole, small necropolis of Etruscan Po Valley, Galassina di Castelvetro (Modena), is the object of a book edited by her in 2009. Interest in ancient peopling and topography mainly concerns the Adriatic see and both its coasts. Studies on architecture concern the roof of Etruscan buildings (houses and temples) of Marzabotto. 


Collaboration with Museums

Museo Archeologico Etnologico di Modena, 2004-2009.

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