Foto del docente

Carlo Tomasetto

Full Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Academic discipline: PSIC-02/A Developmental and Educational Psychology

Short Bio

I am Full Professor in Developmental and Educational Psychology. My main research interests include children's social development (especially concerning the emergence and consequences of gender- and obesity-related stereotypes) and cognitive development in the area of mathematical learning, with a special focus on maths anxiety.

I served as president of the Faculty-Students Joint Committee of the Department of Psychology between 2019 and 2021, and I coordinated the First cycle degree programme in Psychological Sciences and Techniques between 2021 and 2025.

Go to the Curriculum vitae



Other contacts


Dipartimento di Psicologia "Renzo Canestrari"
Via Filippo Re 6, Bologna - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Students may contact me via Teams on
Wednesday 9.00/12.00.