Carla De Tona, Quale co-partecipazione è possibile? Una riflessione critica sull'organizzazione e co-progettazione degli Usability Test e della sperimentazione pubblica di MICADO a Bologna, in: Migranti: la sfida dell'integrazione digitale : innovazione e co-creation nel progetto H2020 MICADO, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2023, pp. 49 - 67 (SOCIOLOGIA DEL TERRITORIO) [Chapter or essay]Open Access
Carla De Tona; Gül Ince-Beqo; Sahizer Samuk, The Asylum System in Italy: A review of the changing flows, fragmented policy frameworks and the key role of civil society organisations, in: Global Atlas of Refugees and Asylum Seekers, London, Transnational Press London, 2023, pp. 137 - 154 [Chapter or essay]
Bridget Byrne; Carla De Tona, All in the mix. Race, class and school choice, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2019, pp. 184 . [Research monograph]
Bridget Byrne; Carla De Tona, Imagining places, in: All in the mix. Race, class and school choice, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2019, pp. 40 - 70 [Chapter or essay]
Ibrahim Sirkeci; Theodoros Iosifides; Carla De Tona; Annalisa Frisina (a cura di): Ibrahim Sirkeci; Theodoros Iosifides; Carla De Tona; Annalisa Frisina, Reader in Qualitative Methods in Migration Research, London, Transnational Press, 2019, pp. 173 . [Editorship]
Carla De Tona; Annalisa Frisina; Deianira Ganga, Research methods in ethnic and migration studies, in: Ibrahim Sirkeci; Theodoros Iosifides; Carla De Tona; Annalisa Frisina, Reader in Qualitative Methods in Migration Research, London, Transnational Press, 2019, pp. 1 - 6 [Chapter or essay]
Carla De Tona, L’immigrazione italiana in Irlanda: vecchie e nuove mobilità tra diaspora e cosmopolitismo, in: Rapporto Italiani nel Mondo 2018, Gubbio, Editrice Tau, 2018, pp. 345 - 356 [Chapter or essay]
Carla De Tona; Annalisa Frisina; Deianira Ganga, Editorial: Research methods in ethnic and migration studies, «MIGRATION LETTERS», 2014, 7, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]
Bridget Byrne; Carla De Tona, Multicultural desires? Parental negotiation of multiculture and difference in choosing secondary schools for their children, «SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW», 2014, 62, pp. 475 - 493 [Scientific article]
Carla De Tona, Investing in Hope? Gendered Resistance and the Struggle of Migrant Women's Associations in Ireland, in: Migrant Activism and Integration from Below in Ireland, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 95 - 118 [Chapter or essay]
Carla De Tona; Elena Moreo, Theorizing Migrant-Led Activism, in: Ronit Lentin; Elena Moreo, Migrant Activism and Integration from Below in Ireland, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 21 - 41 [Chapter or essay]
Carla De Tona; Bridget Byrne, 'Trying to find the extra choices': Migrant parents and secondary school choice in Greater Manchester, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION», 2012, 33, pp. 21 - 39 [Scientific article]
Carla De Tona; Ronit Lentin, 'Building a platform for our voices to be heard': Migrant women's networks as locations of transformation in the republic of Ireland, «JOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES», 2011, 37, pp. 485 - 502 [Scientific article]
Carla De Tona, Mothering Contradictory Diasporas: Negotiation of Traditional Motherhood Roles among Italian migrant women in Ireland, in: Intimacy And Italian Migration: Gender And Domestic Lives In A Mobile World, New York, Fordham University Press, 2010, pp. 100 - 113 [Chapter or essay]
Carla De Tona, Overlapping multi-centred networking: Migrant women’s diasporic networks as alternative narratives of globalisation, in: Karen Fricker; Ronit Lentin, Overlapping multi-centred networking: Migrant women’s diasporic networks as alternative narratives of globalisation, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007, pp. 1 - 10 [Chapter or essay]