Foto del docente

Annalisa Marzano

Full Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: ARCH-01/D Classical Archaeology

Short Bio

Annalisa Marzano (laurea University of Florence, 1994; PhD Columbia University, New York, 2004) arrives at the University of Bologna in 2021, after a career spanning several decades conducted abroad between the United States and Great Britain. She was Research Fellow for the prestigious Oxford Roman Economy Project and then Full Professor of Ancient History at the University of Reading (UK).

She works on topics related to the archaeology and economic history of the Roman world, such as agriculture, the exploitation of marine resources, and productions in Roman villas. She currently co-directs the excavation 'The Casa della Regina Carolina Project at Pompeii' and is PI for the PRIN PNRR 2022 project 'Coastal lagoons and their hidden cultural heritage: the exploitation of lagoonal environments in Roman Italy'. Her many publications include three monographs, Roman Villas in Central Italy (Brill 2007); Harvesting the Sea (Oxford UP 2013); and Plants, Politics and Empire in Ancient Rome (Cambridge UP 2022).

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