Foto del docente

Anna Marchi

Associate Professor

Department of Interpreting and Translation

Academic discipline: ANGL-01/C English Language, Translation and Linguistics

Curriculum vitae


2013 PhD in English Linguistics, Lancaster University

2003 Scolarship at the Graduate School of Journalism, University of Texas at Austin (USA)

2002 MA in Communication studies (mass media), University of Siena (Italy), graduated with honours.

Research and teaching activity

October 2021 - October 2024 Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna (Forlì campus).
Research project: “Media narratives of nostalgia: an investigation of emotions, storytelling and newsworthiness using corpora”. 

January 2021 - October 2021 Junior Assistant Professor, Department of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna (Forlì campus).
Research project: "Representations and articulations of nostalgia in public discourse - a corpus-assisted exploration".

Currently lecturing in Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies in English, MA in Specialised Translation, Department of Interpreting and Translation, University of Bologna (Forlì campus).

Currently lecturing in English Language, Department of Political Science, University of Bologna (Forlì campus).

2020/21 Adjunct lecturer in English Language II, Department of Political Science, University of Bologna (Forlì campus).

From 2011/12 to 2019/20 Adjunct lecturer in English Language I, Department of Political Science, University of Bologna (Forlì campus).

2018/19 - 2019/20 Adjunct lecturer of Advanced English I and 2019/20 of Advanced English II.

From 2011/12 to 2017/18 Adjunct lecturer of English Language, Degree in Sociology, University of Bologna (Forlì campus).

In 2013/2014 lecturer of Analysis of Political Language (module 2) for the Degree in Mass Media and Politics.

2017/18 and 2019/20 Lecturer of English for Journalism, Master in Journalism, University of Bologna.

2013 contract at the Center for Corpus Approaches to Social Sciences (CASS), Lancaster University (UK). Working on the representation of piracy and maritime security in documents from European institutions and member states.

2012 Researcher at Swansea University, working on the representation of the "special relationship" between the UK and the US during the Cold War period.

2011 Lecturer, for University of Oregon, teaching a course on history, theory and practice of Italian journalism.

2009 Research assistant at the University of Siena. Working within the 6th framework EU project IntUne (“Integrated and United? A Quest for Citizenship in an Ever Closer Europe”).

2007 – 2008 Research assistant at Cardiff University, School of English, Communication and Philosophy

2005 – 2007 Research contract at the University of Siena (in relation to the IntUne project)

2005 Research contract at the University of Siena (in relation to the national project CorDis: Corpora and Discourse: A quantitative and qualitative linguistic analysis of political and media discourse on the conflict in Iraq in 2003).

Contribution to the scientific community

Editor-in-chief of Journal of Corpora and Discourse Studies 

Member of the editorial team and board of JCads since its foundation in 2017.

Reviewer for Corpora, Media Culture and Society, International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, JCads, Critical Discourse Studies, Ampersand, Studies in Communication Sciences, Frontiers in Communication, mediAzioni, Journal of Literary Semantics.

Co-organiser of International Corpora & Discourse Conference 2020 (Unviersity of Sussex) and International Corpora & Discourse Conference 2022 (University of Bologna).

Member of the scientific committee of International Corpora & Discourse Conference (University of Bologna, 2012; University of Siena 2016; University of Sussex 2020; University of Bologna 2022; University of Innsbruck 2024); Corpus Linguistics 2015, 2017, 2023 (Lancaster University); 2025 (University of Birmingham).

Advisory board for the CUP Elements series in Critical Discourse Studies.

Founding member of SiBol Group. 

Member of International Media and Nostalgia network.



Marchi, A. (2019) Self-reflexive Journalism: A Corpus Study of Journalistic Culture and Community in the Guardian. London/New York: Routledge.


Taylor C. and Marchi A. (2018) Corpus Approaches to Discourse: A Critical Review. London/New York: Routledge.

A. Duguid, A. Marchi, A. Partington and C. Taylor (2015) Gentle Obsessions: Literature, Linguistics and Learning: In Honour of John Morley. Siena: Artemide.


Marchi, A. 2024. Evaluating corpus & discourse work. In F. Heritage & C. Taylor (eds.) Analysing Representation: A corpus and discourse textbook. London/ New York: Routledge, pp. 212–222. DOI: 10.4324/9781003350972-14

Marchi, A. (2022) Corpus linguistics in the study of news media. In A. O’Keeffe & M. McCarthy (eds.) The Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. London - New York: Routledge, pp. 576-588.

Marchi, A. (2018). Time boxes: epistemological, methodological and practical impact of diachronic segmentation. In C. Taylor and A. Marchi (eds.) Corpus Approaches to Discourse: A Critical Review. London: Routledge, pp. 174-196.

Marchi, A., Lorenzo-Dus, N. and Marsh S. (2017) Churchill’s inter-subjective special relationship: a corpus-assisted discourse approach. In S. Marsh and A. P. Dobson (eds.) Churchill’s special relationship: commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Fulton Iron Curtain speech. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Partington, A. and Marchi, A. (2015) Using corpora in discourse analysis. In D. Biber and R. Reppen (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of English Corpus Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Marchi, A. (2015) A corpus-assisted analysis of reported speech in news discourse. The case of civil liberties and the Patriot Act in the American quality press. In A. Duguid, A. Marchi, A. Partington and C. Taylor (eds.), pp. 99-120.

Marchi, A. and Partington, A. (2012) Does “Europe” have a common historical identity? In P. Bayley and G. Williams (eds.) European Identity: What the Media say. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Marchi, A. and Taylor, C. (2009) Who Was Fighting and Who/What Was Being Fought? Identifying the participants in UK and US reporting of the Iraq war. In G. Garzone and P. Catenaccio (eds.) Identities across Media and modes: Discursive Perspectives. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 259-87.

Marchi, A. and Taylor, C. (2009) Establishing the EU: The Representation of Europe in the Press in 1993 and 2005. In A. H. Jucker (ed.) Corpora Pragmatics and Discourse. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 203-26.

Marchi, A. and Venuti, M. (2009) Mark up and the narrative structure of TV news. In L. Haarman and L. Lombardo (eds.) Evaluation and stance in television news: a linguistic analysis of American, British and Italian news reporting of the 2003 Iraqi war. London: Continuum, pp. 27-47.

Cirillo, L. Marchi, A. and Venuti, M. (2009) The making of the CorDis Corpus: compilation and mark-up. In J. Morley and P. Bayley (eds.) Wordings of War: Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies on the Iraq War. London/New York: Routledge, pp. 13-33.


Marchi, A. 2023. Get back! Methods for Exploring Discourses of Nostalgia and Nostalgic Discourses Using Corpora, ELEPHANT & CASTLE 31: 192–211.

Bevitori, C. and Marchi, A. 2022. Representations of citizens/hip in 230 years of American history. A diachronic corpus-assisted approach, USAbroad, 5: 1-31.

Marchi, A. and Marsh, S. (2016) Churchill, Fulton and the Anglo-American special relationship: setting the agenda? Journal of Transatlantic Studies 16(8): 1-18.

Germond, B., McEnery, T. and Marchi, A. (2016) The EU’s Comprehensive Approach as the Dominant Discourse: A Corpus-Linguistics Analysis of the EU’s Counter-Piracy Narrative. European Foreign Affairs Review.

Marchi, A. (2010) The ‘moral in the story’: a diachronic investigation of lexicalised morality in the UK press. Corpora. Volume 5, pp. 161-189.

Marchi, A. and Taylor, C. (2009) If on a Winter’s Night Two Researchers… A Challenge to Assumptions of Soundness of Interpretation. Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines 3(1): 1–20.


Cirillo, L. Marchi. A and Venuti, M. (2007) The CorDis Corpus: Mark-up and related issues. Proceedings from the Corpus Linguistics Conference Series Vol 2 No 1 Corpus Linguistics 2007.


 Presentations at conferences

Paper: “A babel of voices: making the Desert Island Discs corpus”, International Corpora & Discourse Conference 2024 (Universität Innsbruck, 17-19 July 2024)

Paper: “Cast in memory: the discursive construction of personal nostalgia in BBC Desert Island Discs”, International Corpora & Discourse Conference 2024 (Universität Innsbruck, 17-19 July 2024)

Keyonte: “Pushing the outside of the methodological envelope in corpus-assisted discourse studies”, CADAAD 2024 (Adam Mickiewicz University – Poznań, 10-12 July 2024).

Paper: "Is nostalgia what it used to be? Nostalgia and nostalgic over time", Corpus Linguistics International Conference 2023 (Lancaster University, 3-6 luglio 2023).

Paper: "Get back! Retrieving nostalgia: challenges of using CADS to analyse phenomena which defy lexicalisation", International Corpora & Discourse Conference (Bertinoro, 26-28 August 2022)

Paper: "Is it going to be nostalgia? Pre-Covid in the news", Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines (CADAAD) (Università degli Studi di Bergamo, 6-8 luglio 2022).

Keynote: "Blind Spots and Dusty Corners: (self)-reflections on partiality in corpus & discourse studies", International Corpora & Discourse Conference 2018 (Lancaster University 22-24 July 2018).

Paper: "Churchill's 'Special Relationship': a Corpus-Assisted Discourse Approach", International Corpora & Discourse Conference 2016 (Certosa di Pontignano, Università di Siena 30 June/ 02 July 2016).

Paper: "Festival of Methods - One research question, one corpus: How many answers?" International Corpora & Discourse Conference 2016 (Certosa di Pontignano, Università di Siena 30 giugno/ 02 luglio 2016).

Paper: "Muesli freaks in figure-hugging Lycra. A methodological investigation into image projection and self-reflexivity in discourse: the case of the Guardian", CADAAD 5 (Eötvös Lorànd University, Budapest 01/ 03 September 2014)

Paper: "Journalism through the Guardian’s goggles", 5th Language in the Media International Conference, (Queen Mary University, 28-30 September 2013)

Paper: "Experimenting with objectivity in corpus and discourse studies: Expectations about LGBT discourse and a game of mutual falsification and reflexivity", International Conference of Corpus Linguistics 2013 (Lancaster University 22-26 luglio 2013).

Invited talk: “Modern-Diachronic Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies”, LANGUAGES ACROSS BORDERS seminar series (University of Portsmouth, 30 november 2012).Invited talk: "Keyness: Appropriate metrics and practical issues", International Corpora and Discourse Conference 2011 (Università degli Studi di Bologna 13-14 September 2012).

Invited talk: "Times, they are a-changeable: Different MD-CADS perspectives on tracking the Arab Spring”, International Corpora and Discourse Conference 2011 (Università degli Studi di Bologna, 13-14 September 2012).

Invited talk: “THEORETICAL-METHODOLOGICAL CHALLENGES IN CORPUS APPROACHES TO DISCOURSE STUDIES And some ways of addressing them”, Corpus Linguistics in the South, (University of Portsmouth, 05 novembre 2011).

Paper: "Between journalists and reporters", Corpus Linguistics International Conference 2011 (Birmingham University, 20-22 July 2011).

Paper: "The "moral" in the story", Corpus Linguistics International Conference 2009 (Liverpool University, 20-23 luglio 2011).

Paper: "No such thing as a respected reporter", What makes good journalism? (Westminster University – London, 7 June 2011).

Paper: "If on a winter's night two researchers", Second International Conference Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis Across Disciplines ’08 (University of Hertfordshire, 11-12 July 2008).

Paper: "Establishing the EU", ICAME 29 (Ascona, 14-18 May 2008).

Paper: "The CorDis Corpus: Mark-up and related issues", Corpus Linguistics International Conference 2007 (Birmingham University, 27-30 July 2007).

Paper: "Who's fighting and who/what is being fought?", Discourse and Identity in Specialized Communication 2007 (Gargnano di Garda, 25-26 June 2007).

Paper: "XAIRA and the marking-up of the corpus", Cordis Colloquium (Pontignano – Siena, 25-28 January 2007).

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