Foto del docente

Andrea Bassi

Associate Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Academic discipline: GSPS-05/A General Sociology


Aquino Alves, Mario; Bassi, Andrea; Cordery, Carolyn, Future Challenges Facing Third Sector Research, in: The Future of Third Sector Research From Theory to Definitions, Classifications and Aggregation Towards New Research Paths, New York, Springer, 2025, pp. 255 - 266 [Chapter or essay]

Bassi, A., Gli Enti del Terzo Settore: cardine dei servizi socio-sanitari, in: A due passi dalla meta. Verso il completamento della riforma. 4° Rapporto sullo stato e le prospettive del diritto del Terzo Settore in Italia, Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 2025, pp. 229 - 256 [Chapter or essay]

Ćwiklicki, M.; Bassi, A.; Urmanaviciene, A., Guest editorial: Challenges and limitations of social impact measurement in social and solidarity economy, «SOCIAL ENTERPRISE JOURNAL», 2025, 21, pp. 161 - 165 [Scientific article]

Bassi, Andrea; Aquino Alves, Mario; Cordery, Carolyn, The Future of Third Sector Research. From Theory to Definitions, Classifications and Aggregation Towards New Research Paths, New York, Springer, 2025, pp. 269 . [Editorship]

Bassi, Andrea, The Terminological Debate, in: The Future of Third Sector Research From Theory to Definitions, Classifications and Aggregation Towards New Research Paths, New York, Springer, 2025, pp. 49 - 66 [Chapter or essay]

Cordery, Carolyn; Bassi, Andrea; Mario Aquino Alves, And, Third Sector Research: The Construction of a Field of Study, in: The Future of Third Sector Research From Theory to Definitions, Classifications and Aggregation Towards New Research Paths, New York, Springer, 2025, pp. 1 - 8 [Chapter or essay]

Bassi, Andrea, Third Sector: The Building of a Research Field, in: The Future of Third Sector Research From Theory to Definitions, Classifications and Aggregation Towards New Research Paths, New York, Springer, 2025, pp. 35 - 46 (NONPROFIT AND CIVIL SOCIETY STUDIES) [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Inga Narbutaité Aflaki; Andrea Bassi, Co-creating capacity? Empowerment and learning for front-line workers and organisations, in: Co-creation in Public Services for Innovation and Social Justice, Bristol, Bristol University Press, Policy Press, 2024, pp. 53 - 69 [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Bassi, Andrea; Narbutaité Aflaki, Inga; Aramo-Immonen, Heli; Baines, Sue, Co-creation as a driver of social innovation and public service reform?, in: Co-creation in Public Services for Innovation and Social Justice, Bristol, Bristol University Press, Policy Press, 2024, pp. 37 - 52 [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Sue Baines, Rob Wilson, Chris Fox, Inga Narbutaité Aflaki, Andrea Bassi, Heli Aramo-Immonen, Riccardo Prandini, Co-creation in Public Services for Innovation and Social Justice, Bristol, Bristol University Press, Policy Press, 2024, pp. 193 . [Editorship]

Wilson, Rob; Baines, Sue; Bassi, Andrea; Aramo-Immonen, Heli; Prandini, Riccardo; Narbutaité Aflaki, Inga; Fox, Chris, Conclusions: Moving beyond building sandcastles … long-term sociotechnical infrastructure for social justice, in: Co-creation in Public Services for Innovation and Social Justice, Bristol, Bristol University Press, Policy Press, 2024, pp. 179 - 192 [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Andrea Bassi; Massimo Lori, Dieci anni di trasformazioni dei mondi associativi: 2011-2021, in: La prospettiva civica. L’Italia vista da chi si mette insieme per cambiarla. Decimo rapporto Iref sull’associazionismo sociale, Milano, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, 2024, pp. 35 - 58 [Chapter or essay]

Fox, Chris; Bassi, Andrea; Baines, Sue, Evaluation and the evidence base for co-creation, in: Co-creation in Public Services for Innovation and Social Justice, Bristol, Bristol University Press, Policy Press, 2024, pp. 127 - 141 [Chapter or essay]Open Access

andrea bassi, I rapporti sull'associazionismo sociale dell'Iref. Breve storia di un programma di ricerca, in: Il Mosaico scomposto della Società Civile, Roma, IREF, 2024, pp. 30 - 36 [Chapter or essay]

Bassi Andrea, FAbbri Alessandro, Briola Gianpietro, Il dono di sé, dono per gli altri. Tra civismo e solidarietà: indagine sui giovani donatori AVIS, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2024, pp. 206 . [Research monograph]