Home > News > Office hours in the week 31st March – 4 April
Office hours in the week 31st March – 4 April
Office hours usually take place on Tuesdays, from 4 to 6 pm, and on Thurdays, from 11 am to 1 pm; but it is always a good idea to check these notices from week to week, since they are often variations from the normal timetable.
Office hours are in presence, in my office, in the Ancient History section, via Zamboni 38, second floor, but also remotely, usually via Teams, or via Skype or by telephone too.
To participate to office hours it is necessary to book an appointment through the Bookings calendar at this link; if you wish to conduct the interview remotely if you wish to conduct the interview remotely, please indicate it in the Notes field of Bookings, adding your Teams contact, or Skype or your telephone number: I will call you at the indicated time (more or less ...).
In the week 31st March - 4th April, office hours will be, due to the overlap with examinations and thesis discussions, only be on the day of:
- Tuesday, 1st April, 4-6 pm
- Thursday, 3rd April, 11 am - 1 pm
Published on: March 31 2025