Foto del docente

Alessandra Bordoni

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-07/A Biochemistry

Curriculum vitae

Actual position

Associate Professor at the Department of Agri-Food Sciences and Technologies (DISTAL), University of Bologna (Italy)

Coordinator of the Human Nutrition Unit at the Department of Agri-Food Sciences and Technologies (DISTAL), University of Bologna (Italy).

Member of the Board of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition (SINU) in the years 2004-2009. Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal “Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases”, and reviewer of several international journal in the field of nutritional biochemistry and human nutrition.

Previous position

Contract Professor of “Nutrition” at the University of Bologna in the years 2001-2003

Contract Professor of “Biochemical Methodologies” at the University of Ferrara in the years 1999-2001

Post-doc at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Bologna, in the years 1993-1998

PhD student in Biochemistry at the University of Bologna in the years 1989-1993

PhD student in “Human Nutrition” at the University of Bologna in the years 1986-1989.


PhD honoris causa in Human Nutrition (INRAE Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France)

PhD in Biochemistry (University of Bologna, Italy) in 1993

Residency in Nutrition Science and Dietetic (University of Padova, Italy) in 1986.

Degree in Medicine and Surgery (University of Bologna, Italy) in 1983.

Research field

Several topics of nutrition and nutritional biochemistry. In these fields, special attention was devoted to lipid metabolism, particularly essential fatty acid metabolism, and to oxidative stress, performing studies in both humans and animals. In the early ‘90s, Dr. Bordoni began to utilize cell cultures (primary cell cultures and cell lines) as experimental model system. Regarding lipid metabolism, she has focused her attention on the possibility to modify cell composition, lipid metabolism and response to exogenous agonists via modification of the lipid environment.  She devoted particular attention also to the study of oxidative damage and its prevention by supplementation with exogenous antioxidants derived from plant foods. At present she is involved in different studies concerning nutrigenetic and nutrigenomic.

She published about 150 full papers in national and international journals on the above mentioned topics.

She participated in many granted projects, both Italian and European:

1. PRIN 2005: "Composti ad attività biologica di gruppi tassonomici modello: Lamiacee e Brassicacee"
2. EU Project (Call: FP7-KBBE-2008-2B): "Sustainable exploitation of bioactive components from the Black Sea Area traditional foods (BaSeFood)".Grant agreement no.: 227118, as Task leader
3. Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cesena (2008): "Sviluppo di nuovi ingredienti per la formulazione di alimenti funzionali in grado di incidere positivamente sul rischio di ipercolesterolemia e malattie cardiovascolari della popolazione", as Coordinator
4. EU Project (Call: FP7-KBBE-2009-3): New Advances in the integrated Management of food processing wAste in India and Europe: use of Sustainable Technologies for the Exploitation of by-products into new foods and feeds (NAMASTE)". Grant agreement no.: 245267
5. Bando Regione Emilia Romagna: progetto "Tecnologie per l'agroalimentare sicuro e sostenibile -TEPASS"
6. EU Project (Call: FP7- KBBE.2010-4): "Low cost technologies and traditional ingredients for the production of affordable, nutritionally correct foods improving health in population groups at risk of poverty (CHANCE)" Grant agreement no: 266331, as Co-coordinator
7. Bando Industria 2015 - Nuove Tecnologie per il Made in Italy del Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico: Progetto MIAOVER50
8. EU Project (Call: KBBE.2012-6): Pivotal assessment of the effects of bioactives on health and wellbeing. From human genoma to food industry (PATHWAY-27)". Grant agreement no 311876, as Coordinator