Foto del docente

Roberto Zucchini

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-02/A Theoretical Physics of Fundamental Interactions, Models, Mathematical Methods and Applications


Zucchini R., The nonperturbative analysis of background duality in orbifold conformal field theory, «NUCLEAR PHYSICS. B», 1991, 350, pp. 111 - 162 [Scientific article]

Zucchini R., An operator formulation of orbifold conformal field theory, «COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS», 1990, 129, pp. 43 - 68 [Scientific article]

Lauer J.; Zucchini R., Covariance properties of higher genus twist correlators under R↔ 1 R durability in orbifold conformal field theory, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 1990, 235, pp. 268 - 274 [Scientific article]

Zucchini R., A geometrical framework for twisted conformal field theory on Riemann surfaces, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 1989, 222, pp. 200 - 206 [Scientific article]

Ordonez C.R.; Rubin M.A.; Zucchini R., Path integral with ghosts for the bosonic string propagator, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL», 1989, 22, Article number: 029 , pp. 3399 - 3415 [Scientific article]

Giannakis I.; Ordonez C.R.; Rubin M.A.; Zucchini R., Propagator, sewing rules, and vacuum amplitude for the Polyakov point particle with ghosts, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS», 1989, 28, pp. 3 - 25 [Scientific article]

Ordnez C.R.; Rey S.-J.; Rubin M.A.; Zucchini R., Sewing relations and duality for BRST off-shell string tadpole amplitudes, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D», 1989, 40, pp. 1987 - 1992 [Scientific article]

Zucchini R., On the Polyakov theory of open string off-shell green functions, «NUCLEAR PHYSICS. B», 1988, 311, pp. 450 - 464 [Scientific article]

Ordonez C.R.; Rubin M.A.; Zucchini R., Polyakov path integrals with ghosts: Closed strings and one-loop a,plitudes, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 1988, 215, pp. 103 - 110 [Scientific article]

Zucchini R., Tomonaga-Dirac-Schwinger formulation of the fermionic string, «PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B», 1987, 192, pp. 346 - 350 [Scientific article]

A. Sirlin; R. Zucchini, Accurate Verification of the Conserved-Vector-Current and Standard-Model Predictions, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 1986, 57, pp. 1994 - 1997 [Scientific article]

Sirlin A.; Zucchini R., Dependence of the Higgs coupling hMS(M) on mH and the possible onset of new physics, «NUCLEAR PHYSICS. B», 1986, 266, pp. 389 - 409 [Scientific article]

Zucchini R., Asymptotic h z.shtsls; 1 2-expansions in classic particle limit of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, «ANNALS OF PHYSICS», 1985, 159, pp. 199 - 219 [Scientific article]

Piccinini F.; Venturi G.; Zucchini R., Acausality and violation of S-matrix unitarity for Rarita-Schwinger particles in an external electromagnetic potential, «LETTERE AL NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI FISICA», 1984, 41, pp. 536 - 540 [Scientific article]

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