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Martina Cappelletti

Associate Professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Academic discipline: BIOS-15/A Microbiology


A. Presentato, E. Piacenza, M. Anikovskiy, M. Cappelletti, D. Zannoni, R. J. Turner, Exploitation of the strictly aerobic Rhodococcus aetherivorans BCP1 strain for the production of Selenium- and Tellurium-nanostructures, in: Microbiology 2017, Programme & Abstracts Palermo, September 17-20, 2017 XXXII SIMGBM Congress, 2017, pp. 71 - 71 (atti di: XXXII SIMGBM Congress, Palermo, September 17-20, 2017) [Abstract]

Daniele, Ghezzi; Francesco, Sauro; Hosam, Mamoon Zowawi; Pei-Ying, Hong; Martina, Cappelletti; Leonardo, Piccini; Davide, Zannoni; Freddy, Vergara; Jo, De Waele, Exploring the microbial diversity featuring the geochemical complexity of the quartzsandstone cave Imawarì Yeuta, Auyan Tepui, Venezuela, in: Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Speleology - Speleo 2017, Sydney, Australian Speleological Federation, 2017, 1, pp. 385 - 391 (atti di: 17th International Congress of Speleology (17th ICS), Speleo 2017, Sydney (Australia), 22-28 July 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Ilenia, M. D’Angeli; Jo, De Waele; Maria Grazia, Ieva; Stefan, Leuko; Martina, Cappelletti; Mario, Parise; Valme, Jurado; Ana, Z. Miller; Cesareo, Saiz-Jimenez, Next-Generation Sequencing For Microbial Characterization Of Biovermiculations From A Sulfuric Acid Cave In Apulia (Italy), in: Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Speleology - Speleo 2017, Sydney, Australian Speleological Federation, 2017, 1, pp. 377 - 380 (atti di: 17th International Congress of Speleology (17th ICS), Speleo 2017, Sydney (Australia), 22-28 July 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

A. Firrincieli, A. Presentato, M. Petruccioli, D. Zannoni, M. Cappelletti, Physiology and genetics of Rhodococcus aetherivorans BCP1 response to Arsenic, in: Microbiology 2017, Programme & Abstracts Palermo, September 17-20, 2017 XXXII SIMGBM Congress, 2017, pp. 57 - 57 (atti di: XXXII SIMGBM Congress, Palermo, September 17-20, 2017) [Abstract]

Cappelletti, Martina; Ghezzi, Daniele; Zannoni, Davide; Capaccioni, Bruno; Fedi, Stefano, Diversity of methane-oxidizing bacteria in soils from “hot lands of medolla” (Italy) featured by anomalous high-temperatures and biogenic CO2 emission, «MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS», 2016, 31, pp. 369 - 377 [Scientific article]Open Access

Borghese, Roberto; Canducci, Laura; Musiani, Francesco; Cappelletti, Martina; Ciurli, Stefano; Turner, Raymond J.; Zannoni, Davide, On the role of a specific insert in acetate permeases (ActP) for tellurite uptake in bacteria: Functional and structural studies, «JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY», 2016, 163, pp. 103 - 109 [Scientific article]

Cappelletti, Martina; Fedi, Stefano; Zampolli, Jessica; Di Canito, Alessandra; D'Ursi, Pasqualina; Orro, Alessandro; Viti, Carlo; Milanesi, Luciano; Zannoni, Davide; Di Gennaro, Patrizia, Phenotype microarray analysis may unravel genetic determinants of the stress response by Rhodococcus aetherivorans BCP1 and Rhodococcus opacus R7, «RESEARCH IN MICROBIOLOGY», 2016, 9-10, pp. 766 - 773 [Scientific article]

Presentato, Alessandro; Piacenza, Elena; Anikovskiy, Max; Cappelletti, Martina; Zannoni, Davide; Turner, Raymond J., Rhodococcus aetherivorans BCP1 as cell factory for the production of intracellular tellurium nanorods under aerobic conditions, «MICROBIAL CELL FACTORIES», 2016, 15, Article number: 204 , pp. 204 - 217 [Scientific article]Open Access

Fedi, Stefano; Triscari Barberi, Tania; Nappi, Maria Rosaria; Sandri, Federica; Booth, Sean; Turner, Raymond J.; Attimonelli, Marcella; Cappelletti, Martina; Zannoni, Davide, The role of cheA genes in swarming and swimming motility of Pseudomonas Pseudoalcaligenes KF707, «MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS», 2016, 31, pp. 169 - 172 [Scientific article]

Orro, Alessandro; Cappelletti, Martina; D'Ursi, Pasqualina; Milanesi, Luciano; Di Canito, Alessandra; Zampolli, Jessica; Collina, Elena; Decorosi, Francesca; Viti, Carlo; Fedi, Stefano; Presentato, Alessandro; Zannoni, Davide; Di Gennaro, Patrizia, Genome and Phenotype Microarray analyses of Rhodococcus sp. BCP1 and Rhodococcus opacus R7: genetic determinants and metabolic abilities with environmental relevance, «PLOS ONE», 2015, 10, Article number: e0139467 , pp. 1 - 41 [Scientific article]Open Access

M CAPPELLETTI, J ZAMPOLLI, E COLLINA, A DI CANITO, A ORRO, P D’URSI, L MILANESI, F DECOROSI, C VITI, S FEDI, A PRESENTATO, D ZANNONI, P DI GENNARO, GENOME AND PHENOTYPE MICROARRAY ANALYSES OF TWO RHODOCOCCUS STRAINS WITH ENVIRONMENTAL AND INDUSTRIAL RELEVANCE, in: 3rd Florence Conference on Phenotype Microarray analysis of cells, 2015, pp. 28 - 28 (atti di: 3rd Florence Conference on Phenotype Microarray Analysis of Cells, Firenze, 10-12 Settembre 2015) [Abstract]

Martina Cappelletti;Alessandro Presentato;Giorgio Milazzo;Raymond J. Turner;Stefano Fedi;Dario Frascari;Davide Zannoni, Growth of Rhodococcus sp. strain BCP1 on gaseous n-alkanes: new metabolic insights and transcriptional analysis of two soluble di-iron monooxygenase genes, «FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY», 2015, 6, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]

Patrizia Di Gennaro; Jessica Zampolli; Ilaria Presti; Martina Cappelletti; Pasqualina D'Ursi; Alessandro Orro; Alessandra Mezzelani; Luciano Milanesi, Genome Sequence of Rhodococcus opacus Strain R7, a Biodegrader of Mono- and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, «GENOME ANNOUNCEMENTS», 2014, 2, pp. e00827-14 - e00827-14 [Scientific article]

Martina Cappelletti; Davide Zannoni; Anne Postec; Bernard Ollivier, Members of the Order Thermotogales: From Microbiology to Hydrogen Production, in: Autori vari, Microbial BioHydrogen: Hydrogen Production, Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London, Springer, 2014, pp. 197 - 224 (ADVANCES IN PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND RESPIRATION) [Chapter or essay]

Dario Frascari;Martina Cappelletti;Jocelia De Sousa Mendes;Andrea Alberini;Francesco Scimonelli;Chiara Manfreda;Luca Longanesi;Davide Zannoni;Davide Pinelli;Stefano Fedi, A kinetic study of biohydrogen production from glucose, molasses and cheese whey by suspended and attached cells of Thermotoga neapolitana, «BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY», 2013, 147, pp. 553 - 561 [Scientific article]

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