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She is Full Professor in Design and Methods of Industrial Engineering (Disegno e Metodi dell'Ingegneria Industriale) at the University of Bologna, Italy.
She got her PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2011 discussing a thesis titled "Innovative methods and advanced digital technologies to support product design in collaborative environments".
Her interests of research are: Human-centered design, User eXperience design, Human Factors and Ergonomics, Virtual Prototyping, Digital Simulation, eXtended Reality (Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality).
She is member of the Operator 4.0 research network: https://www.operator4.com
She currently coordinated the Tech4All group within the Clust-ER INNOVATE of the Emilia Romagna Region.
She has participated / participates in 10 European research projects and many dozens of research and innovation projects at national and regional level.
She founded a university spin-off in 2010, Hyperlean Srl (www.hyperlean.eu).
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