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Giorgio Grappi

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: GSPS-01/A Political Philosophy


Grappi G.; Neilson B., Elements of logistics: Along the line of copper, «ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING D-SOCIETY & SPACE», 2019, 37, pp. 833 - 849 [Scientific article]

Grappi G, France, in: The European Migration System and Global Justice. Definitions and Legislative Frameworks in France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Norway and the United Kingdom, Oslo, ARENA Centre for European Studies, 2019, pp. 11 - 45 [Chapter or essay]

Grappi, G; Neilson, Brett, Postfazione, in: Un mondo logistico. Sguardi critici su lavoro, migrazioni, politica e globalizzazione, Milano, Ledizioni, 2019, pp. 135 - 143 [Postface]

Giorgio Grappi, Asia’s Era of Infrastructure and the Politics of Corridors: Decoding the Language of Logistical Governance, in: Logistical Asia: The Labour of Making a World Region, Singapore, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 175 - 198 [Chapter or essay]

Grappi, G, Contro la trappola logistica. Note su mobilità, estetica, potere, «ZAPRUDER», 2018, 46, pp. 8 - 26 [Scientific article]

Grappi, Giorgio, Il popolo inatteso: la questione antifederalista e la Costituzione degli Stati Uniti, Bologna, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, 2018, pp. 233 (QUADERNI DI SCIENZA & POLITICA). [Research monograph]

grappi, Integration, logistical complexity, time, and some hints on the political present, «SOFT POWER, REVISTA EURO-AMERICANA DE TEORÍA E HISTORIA DE LA POLÍTICA», 2018, 6, pp. 269 - 275 [Scientific article]

Grappi, G, Il confucianesimo logistico che cambia il mondo, «LIMES», 2017, 1, pp. 163 - 168 [Scientific article]

Enrico Fassi; Giorgio Grappi; Antonio Zotti, National case studies: Perspectives of justice and implications for the EUMSG, in: The European Migration System and Global Justice. A First Appraisal, Oslo, ARENA, 2017, pp. 139 - 146 [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Ceccorulli, Michela; Grappi, Giorgio; Lucarelli, Sonia; Fassi, Enrico; Zotti, Antonio; Hunyadi, Márton; Melegh, Attila; Mendly, Dorottya; Vadasi, Vivien; Vancsó Anna; Karimandiou, Lena; Olsen, Espen Daniel Hagen, National case studies: Terms, definitions and concepts on migration, in: The European Migration System and Global Justice. A First Appraisal, Oslo, ARENA, 2017, pp. 87 - 138 [Chapter or essay]Open Access

Grappi, G, Nuova logistica europea e «mobilità logistiche», in: Le reti del valore Migrazione, produzione e governo della crisi, Roma, DeriveApprodi, 2017, pp. 194 - 208 (LABIRINTI) [Chapter or essay]

Grappi, Giorgio, I corridoi e la politica globale della logistica, «DOSSIER UNIONE EUROPEA STUDI E RICERCHE», 2016, 2, pp. 69 - 73 [Scientific article]

Grappi, Giorgio, Logistica, Roma, Ediesse, 2016, pp. 265 (FONDAMENTI). [Research monograph]

GIORGIO GRAPPI, Review of: Marta Araújo, Silvia R. Mae- so (eds.), Eurocentrism, Racism and Knowledge. Debates on History and Power in Europe and the Americas, New York, Palgrave MacMillan, 2015, pp. 258., «RICERCHE DI STORIA POLITICA», 2016, 3, pp. 337 - 338 [Review]

Grappi, Giorgio; Ishita, Dey, Beyond Zoning: India’s Corridors of “Development” and New Frontiers of Capital, «THE SOUTH ATLANTIC QUARTERLY», 2015, 114/1, pp. 153 - 170 [Scientific article]

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