Valenti F.; Tomasello N.; Lanteri P.; Porto S.M.C., Application of a CFD validated model to plan fan heater position within flour mills during a heat treatment for insect pest control, «BUILDINGS», 2018, 8, Article number: 132 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access
Valenti F.; Porto S.M.C.; Tomasello N.; Arcidiacono C., Enhancing heat treatment efficacy for insect pest control: A case study of a CFD application to improve the design and structure of a flour mill, «BUILDINGS», 2018, 8, Article number: 48 , pp. 1 - 18 [Scientific article]Open Access
Valenti F.; Porto S.M.C.; Selvaggi R.; Pecorino B., Evaluation of biomethane potential from by-products and agricultural residues co-digestion in southern Italy, «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT», 2018, 223, pp. 834 - 840 [Scientific article]
Selvaggi R.; Valenti F.; Pappalardo G.; Rossi L.; Bozzetto S.; Pecorino B.; Dale B.E., Sequential crops for food, energy, and economic development in rural areas: the case of Sicily, «BIOFUELS, BIOPRODUCTS & BIOREFINING», 2018, 12, pp. 22 - 28 [Scientific article]
Valenti F.; Porto S.M.C.; Dale B.E.; Liao W., Spatial analysis of feedstock supply and logistics to establish regional biogas power generation: A case study in the region of Sicily, «RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS», 2018, 97, pp. 50 - 63 [Scientific article]
Valenti F.; Porto S.M.C.; Chinnici G.; Cascone G.; Arcidiacono C., Assessment of citrus pulp availability for biogas production by using a GIS-based model: The case study of an area in southern Italy, «CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS», 2017, 58, pp. 529 - 534 [Scientific article]
Arcidiacono C.; Porto S.M.C.; Mancino M.; Valenti F.; Cascone G., Design of a software tool for the analysis of UWB RTLS data: A use case of an application to identify cow oestrus behavioural patterns in a free-stall barn, in: Prof. Daniel Berckmans, Dr Alassane Keita, Precision Livestock Farming 2017 - Papers Presented at the 8th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, ECPLF 2017, Nantes, European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, 2017, pp. 837 - 847 [Chapter or essay]
Porto S.M.C.; Valenti F.; Bella S.; Russo A.; Cascone G.; Arcidiacono C., Improving the effectiveness of heat treatment for insect pest control in flour mills by thermal simulations, «BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING», 2017, 164, pp. 189 - 199 [Scientific article]
Arcidiacono C.; Porto S.M.C.; Mancino M.; Valenti F.; Cascone G., New open-source software tools using accelerometer data for the discrimination of cow behavioural activities in free-stall barns, in: Prof. Daniel Berckmans, Dr Alassane Keita, Precision Livestock Farming 2017 - Papers Presented at the 8th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, ECPLF 2017, Nantes, European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, 2017, pp. 276 - 287 [Chapter or essay]
Valenti F.; Porto S.M.C.; Cascone G.; Arcidiacono C., Potential biogas production from agricultural by-products in Sicily. A case study of citrus pulp and olive pomace, «JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING», 2017, 48, Article number: 727 , pp. 196 - 202 [Scientific article]Open Access
Valenti F.; Arcidiacono C.; Chinnici G.; Cascone G.; Porto S.M.C., Quantification of olive pomace availability for biogas production by using a GIS-based model, «BIOFUELS, BIOPRODUCTS & BIOREFINING», 2017, 11, pp. 784 - 797 [Scientific article]
Valenti F.; Porto S.M.C.; Chinnici G.; Selvaggi R.; Cascone G.; Arcidiacono C.; Pecorino B., Use of citrus pulp for biogas production: A GIS analysis of citrus-growing areas and processing industries in South Italy, «LAND USE POLICY», 2017, 66, pp. 151 - 161 [Scientific article]
Valenti F.; Porto S.M.C.; Chinnici G.; Cascone G.; Arcidiacono C., A GIS-based model to estimate citrus pulp availability for biogas production: an application to a region of the Mediterranean Basin, «BIOFUELS, BIOPRODUCTS & BIOREFINING», 2016, 10, pp. 710 - 727 [Scientific article]
Porto S.M.C.; Valenti F.; Cascone G.; Arcidiacono C., Thermal insulation of a flour mill to improve effectiveness of the heat treatment for insect pest control, «E-JOURNAL - CIGR», 2015, 2015, pp. 94 - 104 [Scientific article]