Foto del docente

Fabrizio Cavani

Full Professor

Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari"

Academic discipline: CHEM-04/A Industrial Chemistry

Coordinator of PhD Programme in INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY


Cavani F.; Centi G.; Trifiro F.; Grasselli R.K., A dynamic approach to selectivity in heterogeneous partial oxidation, in: Hydrocarbon Oxidation, «PREPRINTS», 1987, 32, pp. 811 - 818 (atti di: Hydrocarbon Oxidation, ACS Meeting, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, New Orleans (USA), agosto1987) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Cavani F.; Centl G.; Trifiro F., Oxidation of 1-Butene and Butadiene to Maleic Anhydride. 2. Kinetics and Mechanism, «INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT», 1983, 22, pp. 570 - 577 [Scientific article]

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