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Clara della Valle is Roberto Ruffilli Post-doctoral Fellow and Adjunct Professor of International Relations at the University of Bologna. Previously, she served as project manager and researcher of the project Enhancing Women’s Participation in Peace and Security at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, where she also worked as academic tutor for the Master in International Security Studies. Clara obtained her PhD from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna with a thesis on EU gender policies in Tunisia, and was a visiting fellow at the Institute de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporaine in Tunis. She holds a second-level Master’s degree from the College of Europe and a Master's and Bachelor's degrees from LUISS University. Her research interests include Gender & IR, ENP, civil society in North African countries, and post-colonial feminist studies. She has published in Contemporary Politics, Global Society, and European Foreign Affairs Review, among others.
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