What does transfer mean? Who can transfer?
Transferring means switching your university career from your university of origin to a new one. In this way, the Board of the new degree programme will be able to assess which and how many credits you have already acquired. In this sense, transfer is only possible if you come from an Italian university and your career is still active.
Where transfer is not possible, you will still have the opportunity to formally apply for the recognition of the exams you have already taken (this procedure is called shortening of the degree programme). This is the way to go if you come from a foreign university or if you have interrupted or withdrawn from your studies.
Find out more about the shortening of the degree programme.
In most cases, the information on transfer can be found in the notice or call for applications to the first year. Some programmes have a specific call for applications for admission to years following the first or for continuing studies. Both can be found in the Enrolment section on the website of your chosen programme.
What are the advantages of a transfer over a new registration?
The alternative to a transfer is a new enrolment with the possibility of applying for the recognition of prior credits. Whether you prefer one procedure or the other is an individual choice, and must take into account several aspects:
- in the event of a transfer, you will have previous exams recognised without having to make a formal request. If you opt for a new enrolment, you will have to make a formal request for credit recognition to obtain the shortening of your career;
- if you transfer from a university in the Emilia-Romagna region, you will not have to pay the regional contribution envisaged in the first enrolment instalment;
- in the event of a transfer, the marks obtained in any previous career are recognised for the purposes of the final degree score average. Otherwise, if you enrol again, the credits acquired may be recognised, but not the grades obtained;
- in the event of a transfer, you will have to pay a transfer fee of €100 in addition to the enrolment fees. If you enrol again, you will have to apply for the shortening of your career, which costs €100;
- whether you transfer or shorten your career as a result of a new enrolment, you may lose your financial support benefits.
In which case can I ask for certain exams not to be recognised?
You might want to resit an exam to get a better grade for your final average. When you transfer, your previous career is assessed with the possible recognition of exams already completed. These will, of course, average out your future career at the University of Bologna and affect your right to higher education benefits.
Or you might not want to enter years beyond the first because of the effects on your right to higher education benefits.
Could I lose benefits such as scholarships and accommodation acquired with the previous programme?
Yes, you may lose these benefits.
As a result of the recognition of previous credits (CFUs) acquired, your position may change with regard to access to right-to-higher education benefits and student fee reductions (full exemption/reduced contribution based on ISEE).
For benefits related to the right to higher education and to obtain tuition fee reductions based on your ISEE (total exemption or reduced fee), the minimum number of ECTS credits required is determined starting from the year of first enrolment at the university, regardless of the year of the programme to which you will be admitted according to credit recognition. Therefore, it is very important to know that:
- for right-to-higher-education benefits, only the ECTS credits recognised on the programme you are enrolling in will be considered valid;
- to obtain tuition fee reductions, only ECTS credits obtained between 11/08/2024 and 10/08/2025 will be considered valid, regardless of their recognition on the degree programme you are enrolling in.
What happens if I do not pay the transfer fee?
Your university career will not be activated and you will not be able to take exams or attend classes. No action will be taken for the transfer.
I have already paid fees at my university of origin; do I have to pay them again?
If you have already paid your enrolment fee at your university of origin, the fee will not be valid at the University of Bologna; however, you can check if you can request a refund from your university of origin.
If you are transferring from a University within Emilia-Romagna and have already paid your regional fees, you will not be required to pay them again.
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