Calculating the year of enrolment for the payment of fees

To calculate the reference year for the payment of tuition fees, you have to start with the academic year in which you first enrolled at the university.

Fees are calculated differently depending on the year of enrolment. If you have made or are about to make a career change, we will help you calculate the correct year on which the tuition fee system is based. 

If you are transferring from another university

Count all the years of enrolment at the other university, regardless of the year you are admitted to the University of Bologna.

If you are changing to another degree programme at the University of Bologna

Count all the years of enrolment at our university, regardless of the year you are admitted to the new degree programme.

If you ask for credits to be recognised from previous careers

If you apply for recognition of credits acquired in a previous university career and are admitted to a year following the first, this is the year that counts for fee calculation purposes. You must therefore have acquired the merit requirements from 10 August 2023 to 10 August 2024:

  • 10 credits if you wish to enrol in the second year
  • 25 credits if you wish to enrol in years subsequent to the second year

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