Information Literacy

The Rimini Campus Central Library offers training services to those students who wish to acquire skills in finding, evaluating and using traditional and electronic information sources.

Below are the Information Literacy activities organized by the University Library System to support teaching and research:

The Library IL workshop to provide soft skills to

  • recognize, locate, evaluate information sources; 
  • use the available tools: catalogs, search engines, databases; 
  • develop search strategies. 

Where: on Teams

When: 31 Maggio - 28 Giugno  - 26 Luglio - 27 Settembre - 25 Ottobre - 29 Novembre - 20 Dicembre from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm.

March - April - May - June (dates to be defined)

How to register: by clicking on the chosen edition and filling out the form with: first name, last name, institutional e-mail, course and year of enrollment. (30 available places per edition)

The workshop is held in Italian.

For further information:  


Settore Biblioteca Centrale

Library Manager: Elena Collina; Assistant Manager: Esther Deandrea - Staff: Elvira Antinozzi, Eleonora Assogna, Ubaldo Ferri, Michela Guidi, Alessandra Mariani, Luca Mulazzi, Silvio Partisani, Daniela Rossi.


Via Vittime Civili, 5, 47921 - RIMINI

+39 0541 4 34184

+39 051 2086319

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