Study and reading rooms - Forlì

Study rooms and Libraries for Forlì students


Study Rooms and Libraries for students at the Campus of Forlì. During the pandemic emergency and until further notice, it is mandatory to wear a FFP2 mask covering nose and mouth when accessing the room. Students who do not wear a mask shall not be admitted.


Teaching Hub
Viale Corridoni n. 20
Tel. 0543.374209

Along the three tunnels connecting the class rooms of the Teaching Hub, as many as 133 study and reading desks are available for students. In proximity of the desks, electric sockets are available for the connection of the students’ own laptops or devices (PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.) in support of their studying activity.
The Teaching Hub is open:

  • Mon to Fri, from 8:00 am to 9:30 pm
  • Sat, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm 



Study Room at the University canteen
Piazzale Igino Lega n. 20

In collaboration with ER.GO, the ground floor of the university campus canteen can be used by students as a study room. The room includes 66 posts, air conditioning and ALMAWIFI wireless connection. The study room is open Mon to Fri, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.

During the pandemic emergency and until further notice, the opening hours and the available posts may be subject to variations, in accordance with emergency provisions.



“Roberto Ruffilli”  Central Library
Via S.Pellegrino Laziosi, 13
Tel. 0543.374001 
The Library offers to students, researchers and teachers a high number of study and reading rooms, a wide range of resources (books, periodicals, data banks and e-resources, degree dissertations for consultation, CDs and DVDs), as well as high-quality services (library lending, inter-library lending and document delivery, bibliographic research, a purchase service, services for final-year students, demonstration courses, use of computers, an audio-video room, photocopying and printing facilities).
For information about the opening hours and the instructions on how to access the Library, please visit the following Web page:

 During the pandemic emergency and until further notice, the opening hours may be subject to variations, in accordance with emergency provisions.



“Sassi Masini” University Residence 
via Maroncelli, 15 

The University Residence offers 40 study posts and it remains open in the following hours: Tue, 6:00 to 10:00 pm; Fri, Sat and Sun, from 8:30 am to 9:00 pm.

 During the pandemic emergency and until further notice, the opening hours and the available posts may be subject to variations, in accordance with emergency provisions.



“Gian Marco Saggiani” Study Room - Engineering
via Fontanelle, 40

This study room includes 5 study and reading posts.



“Aurelio Saffi” Municipal Library
Corso della Repubblica, 72
Tel. 0543 712600
Located in the town centre, a few steps from the campus, this library is ideal for studying and reading, and, at the same time, it offers a wide range of services including: Biblioteca Multimediale Emeroteca (Multimedia Library and Periodical Room) based in Via San Pellegrino Laziosi no. 1.

At present, the reading rooms of the Library are closed.

Tel: 0543 712604

During the pandemic emergency and until further notice, the opening hours may be subject to variations, in accordance with emergency provisions.

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