User training - Information Literacy

User training by Ruffilli Central Library and University of Bologna.

Courses on demand
Transferable skills - Information Literacy - OpenBadge
University training courses, guides and tutorials

Courses on demand

Librarians organize presentations, courses and guided tours on the Library services, the use of catalogues and electronic resources, both in Italian and English. It is possible to make a request by writing to

Trasferable skills - Information Literacy - OpenBadge

The University of Bologna offers students some specific trainings on transferable skills like the Information Literacy in order to learn how to identify, retrieve, evaluate, organize and use information. 

University training courses, guides and tutorials

The libraries of the University Library System organize training coursesonline self-learning guides and tutorials on how to use bibliographic resources and electronic catalogues.


User training - Information Literacy

Carolina Cavallini


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