- The Rector represents the university legally and institutionally. He is responsible for pursuing the University’s goals, according to quality criteria and in compliance with the principles of effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and promotion of merit.
- Published Vice Rectorships and delegate appointments
- The Vice Rectors and delegates assist the Rector in the management of the University.
- Published University Senate
- The Academic Senate is the representative body of the university community. It is involved in the general administration of the university and the appointment of the members of the Board of Governors.
- Published Board of Governors
- The Board of Governors is in charge of strategic planning as well as the financial and staff programming of the University.
- Published Board of Auditors
- Board established to control the University's accounting and certify the regularity of the its economic, financial and assets management.
- In line with the instructions issued by the Board of Governors, the Director General is responsible for the general management and organisation of the university services, resources and technical-administrative staff, as well as the tasks required under the statutory provisions governing public administration management.
- Published Evaluation Group
- The Evaluation Group is the University body responsible for the evaluation of teaching, research and administrative activities. It is appointed for a term of three years.
- Published Student Council
- This is the official student representative body at the University.
- Published Sponsors' Committee
- Body of parties and institutions working to promote and develop scientific and learning activities and the transfer of knowledge in the various cultural, social and economic fields and in the communities the University works in.
- Published Guarantee Committee for Equal Opportunities - CUG
- The CUG is a joint body made up of staff representatives and University representatives.
- Published Student Ombudsman
- The role of the Student Ombudsman, envisaged in art. 15 of the University Statute, is to receive reports on dysfunctions and restrictions affecting the rights of students. This independent body does not report hierarchically or functionally, in any way, to University Bodies and exists solely to ensure compliance with current regulations.
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