Our presence in various national and international networks allows us to broaden our field of vision. This gives rise to activities, initiatives and services aimed at welcoming and inclusion.
A community in which reciprocity and respect substantiate relationships and strengthen the value of sharing. In this context you will encounter dedicated services and people prepared to support you in your university experience.
- Multilingualism: linguistic diversity as a resource
- Unibo for Refugees
- UNI-CO-RE: University Corridors for Refugees (Ethiopia-Unibo 2019-21)
Institutional figures
- Vice Rector for International Relations
- Vice Rector for Teaching
- Vice Rector for Research
- Delegate for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity
- Delegate for Multilingualism
- Delegate for Students
- Guarantee Committee for Equal Opportunities, Employee Wellbeing and Non-Discrimination at Work - CUG
- Departmental representatives for equity, diversity and inclusion
University documents
- Gender equality plan 2021-2024
- Code of Ethics and Conduct
- Code of Conduct for the Prevention of Sexual and Moral Harassment [.pdf 241 KB]
The University of Bologna joins many International Networks:
- Diversity Council di UNAEuropa
- Engaging with Diversity in European Universities
- Gender and Diversity group - Coimbra Group
- IAU, Unibo is the SD5 Cluster leader
- Gender and Diversity Working group of The Guild
- TICKET - Transnational Intercultural Competence through Knowledge Exchange and Training
Research facilities
- Bologna Transcultural Psychosomatic Team - BoTPT
- Research Centre on Mobility, diversity, social inclusion
- Centre for International and Intercultural Health - CSI
- Cultures, religions and international affairs
- International research center on global citizenship education
- UNESCO Chair in Global Citizenship Education in Higher Education
- MigLab - Studies on Migration
- Officine interculturali
- The Academy of Global Humanities and Critical Theories