Research fellowships

Research fellowships can be awarded to scholars that have a scientific-professional curriculum suitable for carrying out research.


Research fellowships have recently been replaced by research contracts (Law 79/2022) therefore calls for applications for research fellowships will be announced by the University until 31 December 2024.

Open positions 

General information on Research fellows

Research fellows

Research fellows undertake an ongoing collaboration in relation to a specific research project. Research activities are carried out independently, within the limits determined by the objectives of the research programs under the direction of a scientific supervisor (tutor).

Fellowships can have a duration of between one and three years and can be renewed, up to a maximum of 36 months. Fellowships can be renewed. The overall duration of fellowships, even if awarded through other institutions, including renewals, shall not in any case exceed six years, excluding the period in which the research fellowship coincided with a research doctorate without scholarship, up to the maximum limit of the legal duration of the relative course.

Who is eligible to become a research fellow?

The research fellowships selection process is open to anyone with a suitable professional scientific curriculum and the following:

  • a Masters 2nd cycle degree or a degree awarded under the previous degree system or an equivalent qualification for self-financed research fellowships
  • a research doctorate or equivalent foreign qualification (or, for the areas concerned, a medical specialization school qualification accompanied by an adequate scientific production) for research fellowships co-financed on a combined budget.

How to become a research fellow

Research fellowships are awarded through an open selection process, based on qualifications only or based on qualifications and an interview. A research collaboration agreement is signed between the university and the person appointed. The agreement does not qualify as a salaried employment contract and does not give right of access to the roles of university staff.


The amount of the grant is decided by the department Board according to the minimum amount set out in the MUR decree (Ministerial Decree n. 102 of 9 march 2011) and a maximum of Euro 27,258. Research grants are exempt from personal income tax (IRPEF), however, it is mandatory to register with the INPS separate national insurance and pension scheme.

Training and professional development

The fellow may conduct additional research abroad, according to a schedule to be defined with the affiliation structure. The costs are borne by the department, unless they are eligible for specific incentives (scholarships awarded by national or international institutions aimed at integrating research activities).

The fellow is required to attend mandatory training courses on occupational health and safety and personal data protection.

Discounts and benefits for those working at Unibo

Research fellows are eligible for several discounts:

  • discounts for competitive and non-competitive sports (CUSB)
  • merchandising (UniboStore)
  • discounts on food products
  • discounts for the use of specific software
  • discounts on books, magazines, cinemas, theatres and museums

Useful documents

Regulations regarding research grants


APOS - Settore Selezione e contratti - Ufficio Reclutamento, contratti di lavoro flessibile e assegni di ricerca


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