Undertake an extracurricular internship at the University of Bologna
Interested in undertaking an extracurricular internship at the University of Bologna? The extracurricular internship is one of the tools that the Emilia-Romagna Region promotes to support introduction into the world of work, especially of young people, and to support their career choices.
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General information on extracurricular internships
The extracurricular internships at the University of Bologna's facilities
The extracurricular intern is hosted by the University, following a public selection procedure, at the facilities that made the request.
The intern establishes a training relationship with the University, the internship promoter and the certifying body with a view to acquiring one of the specific professional qualifications provided for by the Regional Qualifications System (SRQ).
The maximum duration of an internship is six months, and it cannot be renewed or extended except for reasons provided for by law (pregnancy, illness or accident).
Who can undertake an internship at University facilities?
Young graduates, diploma holders or people who have otherwise fulfilled their right to education and training.
The internship is also compatible with enrolment in a university course.
On the other hand, it is not possible to offer an extracurricular internship to those who:
- have had professional experience in a self-employed or salaried capacity with public or private employers, in the context of the activities covered by the internship;
- are professionals certified or qualified for regulated professions, in the context of the activities typically reserved to those profession;
- have worked for the University of Bologna in the previous two years, as an employee or under any other contractual form;
- have already completed an extracurricular internship at the University of Bologna.
How to apply for an internship
It is possible to apply by submitting a specific application form according to the terms and conditions set out in the selection notice.
A monthly allowance will be paid, the amount of which will be specified in the selection notice and will not be less than the current regional minimum wage (EUR 450 per month).
Training and professional development
The extracurricular internship in no way constitutes an employment relationship with the University but represents an important training opportunity to get to know from the inside the functioning of a large and highly complex public organisation such as the University of Bologna.
Information for people with disabilities and protected categories
The maximum duration of internships increases to 12 months in the case of people in disadvantaged situations and to 24 months in the case of people with disabilities.
Useful links
Area del personale - Settore Staff e Progetti di Area
For those seeking information on undertaking an extracurricular internship at Unibo facilities
Contact person: Silvia Brandimarte