University Business Alliance in modern Biotechnology approaches for climate change mitigation solutions (Bio-SAVE)

University Business Alliance in modern Biotechnology approaches for climate change mitigation solutions (Bio-SAVE)






Unibo structure involved: Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences - DISTAL

Scientific manager: Diana Di Gioia
Unibo Team: Loredana Baffoni, Erika Carnevale, Marta Reggio

Project Web page:

Erasmus+ Action type: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Knowledge Alliances for higher education
Project reference: 621492-EPP-1-2020-1-BG-EPPKA2-KA 

Start Date: 1 November 2020
End Date: 31 october 2023

Total: € 741,844
UNIBO: € 122,058

Coordinator: Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski (BG)


  • Eko-Znanie Gt Ltd (BG)
  • Planart Harita Planlama Mimarlik Muhendislik Cevre Projeleri Bilgisayar Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi (TR)
  • Biognosis Astiki Etaireia (EL)
  • Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (IT)
  • Initut, Institut Informacijskihtehnologij D.O.O (SI)
  • Gazi Universitesi (TR)
  • Bulgap Ltd (BG)
  • Intellect Foundation (BG)
  • Panepistimio Thessalias (EL)

EU has established a long-term ambitious policy to promote innovation capacity of higher education (HE) and business, as outlined in EU Agenda and to facilitate the circular economy to achieve sustainable growth and climate solutions. The purpose of BIO-Save project is to bridge the gap between teaching in the academic/higher education world and continuous professional development in the biotech sector respecting climate change to promote best practices for its mitigation based on modern biotechnology approaches. The pillars, addressed by the project are:

  • linking HE, research and business for excellence and regional development;
  • stimulating the development of entrepreneurial and creative skills and promoting innovation in HE through interactive learning environments;
  • improving skills for development of the biotechnology sector.

The challenges of BIO-Save are grounded on the development of an original multilingual (EN, BG, GR, TR, IT) multidisciplinary modular education programme in the field of Modern biotechnology. It presents the latest innovations and tools in application of biotech approaches for climate change mitigation and adaptation in agriculture. The curriculum is created for students, professors, and practitioners. It is offered together with a learning model of cloud-based blended approach with the use of 3D imaging technology design. The model describes the innovative green qualification characteristics of learners based on EQF/NQF/HE and ECTS descriptors and considers national peculiarities. BIO-Save project will sustain the programme results during and in post project life ensuring vast measures for D&E. The long-term impact of the project is assured by both the development of BIO-Save new educational programme, adapted to the actual challenges and needs of biotech professionals and designed in dialogue with them; and fostering and sharing EU quality standards and diversity of professional practices and learning methods in European Biotech sector.


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