Over the Atlantic. EU and Latin America relations: between diplomacy and paradiplomacy

Scientific manager: Giuliana Laschi

Unibo structure involved: Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari" – PSI Forli Campus
Unibo Team: Sonia Lucarelli, Fabio Casini
Project Web page: https://site.unibo.it/ota/it
Erasmus+ Action type:  Jean Monnet Projects
Project reference: 611987-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPJMO-PROJECT
Start Date: 01 September 2019
End Date: 31 August 2021
Budget: Total € 60,000, UNIBO € 60,000
Partners: University of Concepción (Chile), European Institute of International Studies (Spain and Sweden), Instituto Social del Mercosur (Paraguay), University of Azores (Portugal), University of Nantes (France), Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona (Spain)
The project has two main aims: Firstly, it aims at analysing the diplomacy and Paradiplomacy between EU and Latin America by creating a network of international scholars and students. This theme, despite its relevance and importance, is scarcely analysed by academia. The research team will be composed by academics from Europe (Italy, Germany, Spain) and Latin America (Paraguay, Chile) and will be coordinated by Professor Giuliana Laschi, JM Chair and professor of the University of Bologna. The second goal is fostering the discussion on the role of Paradiplomacy at the university level and bring the discussions outside the university, to the general public. This objective will be reached thanks to two main activities: two international workshops and conferences and several meetings with schools analysing EU external relations with Latin America under the lenses of Paradiplomacy. The professors involved in this project have extensive knowledge and experience in European studies (most of them being already JM chairs). The analysis will have a cross-sectorial and multidisciplinary approach, in order to maximise the potential of the research and its dissemination. Another key aspect of this project will be the proactive collaboration among academics, university students and general public. In particular, Master’s students and young researchers will held some meetings in schools: this is an added value, as it stimulate both the audience and the trainers to learn and familiarize with the concept of Paradiplomacy and with the history of EU external relations with Latin America. Finally, it must be underlined that the academic partnerships and network established with this project will be essential to further engage in multidisciplinary and cross-national research over other EU relevant areas of interest. The main activities to reach the project’s goal will be two international conferences, the meetings with schools and a final publication.

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