BENEDICT: BIM-enabled Learning Environment for Digital Construction






Unibo structure involved: Department of Architecture - DA
Scientific manager: Marco Alvise Bragadin
Unibo Team: Caterina Morganti, Claudio Serni
Project Web page:
Erasmus+ Action type: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Project reference: 2020-1-EE01-KA203-077993
Start Date: 1 September 2020
End Date: 31 August 2023
Budget:          Total: € 261,877        UNIBO:  € 83,231



Digitalization is driving changes in the Real Estate and Construction (REC) sector. A central feature of this digital transformation is Building Information Modelling (BIM) which refers to the integrated digital representation of all building-related information. The BIM-enabled Learning Environment for Digital Construction (BENEDICT) project is aimed at leveraging the emerging possibilities of BIM to enhance the education of REC professionals by developing an innovative, BIM-enabled Learning Environment which offers more realistic, immersive and integrated learning experiences.

The BENEDICT project is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership between the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture at Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), the Civil Engineering Unit of Tampere University (Finland) and the Department of Architecture at the University of Bologna (Italy). A range of REC education stakeholders including teachers and learners, representatives of the REC industry and bodies responsible for BIM standards are participating in the project.
It has the following objectives:

  • To specify the requirements for a common, openly accessible and flexible BIM-enabled Learning Environment (BLE)
  • To develop a prototype BLE
  • To create basic, generic content (learning resources) for the BLE
  • To develop, test, implement and evaluate a series of innovative course modules that apply BIM-enabled learning using the BLE
  • To develop guidelines and a handbook to enable the use of the BLE
  • To provide training and instruction to stakeholders on the use of the BLE

To meet the project's objectives, the following Intellectual Outputs are being delivered:

  • Specification of the BIM-enabled Learning Environment (BLE)
  • BIM-enabled Learning Environment (BLE)
  • Open Learning Resources
  • Pilot Modules
  • User Guidance Materials
  • System for Sector-Wide BLE

In addition, 3 Multiplier Events are organised for the demonstration, testing and validation of the Intellectual Outputs:

  • A stakeholder workshop to discuss and validate the specification for the BLE
  • A demonstration event to introduce the prototype version of the BLE to stakeholders
  • A stakeholder workshop to validate the BLE and its associated user guidance materials.

An intensive training event will be arranged at the end of the project to enable a core group of users to create their own content for the BLE and to develop and expand the BLE itself throughout the REC sector.
The project will result in the development of the BLE as an open, online learning platform with initial learning resources and demonstration course materials. Key stakeholders will be trained to use it and a core group of users will be set-up with the requisite knowledge and collaborative network(s) to take BIM-enabled learning forward beyond the project funding period. In the long-term, the BLE is envisaged as a tool that can be deployed to enhance the education, training and continuous professional development of personnel throughout the value chain of the REC sector in the European Union and elsewhere.

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