The University seal

The University of Bologna has developed a single official version of the seal.

The seal consists of two elements.

Logo Alma Mater

  • Figurative element (the seal itself): this represents the University symbols and elements taken from the 1888 seal created on the occasion of the eighth centenary of the University.
  • Name: the official name of the University 'Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna'. 


The graphic design rules for using the University seal are contained in the Identity System [.pdf 20920 KB].

Who can use the seal

The university has drawn up special Rules for Using the Seal that regulate the use of the University seal by both university staff and by third parties.

Below is an overview.

University of Bologna Staff

University of Bologna staff may freely use the University seal (or the campus or department seals) in teaching, research and third mission activities and in related administrative, communication and dissemination activities carried out on behalf of the University.

More information on the use of the seal by staff on the University intranet (access reserved to University of Bologna staff and PhD students)

University of Bologna Students

Students of first cycle, second cycle and single cycle degree programmes, PhDs, and specialisation school or professional master’s programmes may place the University seal on the cover and title page of their theses and final papers.

Use of the University seal in theses and final papers

Public bodies, third sector players and enterprises

The Rules for Using the Seal set out authorised uses, uses subject to authorisation and unauthorised uses by external parties in their relations with the University.

Use of the seal is authorised

  • in collaborative agreements with public bodies
  • for the execution of regional, national and international competitive research and teaching projects
  • in initiatives that have obtained the patronage of the University of Bologna

Use of the seal is subject to authorisation

  • in collaborative agreements with third sector players and enterprises
  • for services performed in the predominant interest of third parties (commissioned research and consultancy, etc.)
  • for controlled and subsidiary companies, both public and private

Use of the seal is not authorised

  • for technology transfers
  • in the supply of goods and services
  • in sponsorships

How to use the seal: the Identity System

The Identity System [.pdf 20920 KB] is the document that specifies how the seal should be represented graphically and which version should be used depending on the type of activity and the institutional context in which it is used (Brand Architecture).

The Identity System contains:

  • the Brand Architecture
  • the graphic design characteristics of the seals of the University, campuses, departments and administrative areas
  • seal applications on forms and institutional communication channels. 


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