Donations and 5x1000

How you can support the projects and activities of the University of Bologna.

Every contribution to the University of Bologna is dedicated to improving people's lives through research, innovation and education.
Together, we can create the conditions to make growth possible and to improve our world.

What does your donation mean

When you decide to make a donation to the University of Bologna you are making a gesture of great impact because you are really taking part in change: with our tools, knowledge and reliability and with your support, the effect of a gesture becomes much more intense.

Why you should do it

Every contribution, no matter how small, is a valuable step forward in the implementation of projects. In particular, you can: 

  • Support free research

    We seek solutions independent of financial interests, offering a space for studies that benefit small yet significant communities.

  • Making room for unconventional research
    We can devote ourselves to experiments and applications that are usually excluded from conventional funding and would risk being left without specific investigation.
  • Change the world, for real
    We work concretely to fight disease, climate change and social problems, so as to improve people's quality of life.
  • Tax benefits
    Making a donation offers tax advantages, allowing you to deduct part of the contribution from your annual taxes.

How you can support us

You can contribute to the University in various ways:

  • 5x1000
  • Donations (for specific projects or facilities or in general to the University)
  • Participation in citizen science activities
  • Sponsorships 
  • Bequests

Find out all the actions and how to donate on the dedicated website

What we have already achieved

The results achieved are proof of how crucial your contribution is so that we can continue to build.
Find out what we have already achieved through the support of people who have chosen to amplify the impact of their gesture through the University.


APAT - Assets Division - Asset Management Office

For information on donations, bequests and testamentary legacies


via Acri, 3 40126 Bologna (BO)

ARIN - Innovation Division - General Affairs Staff and Fundraising and Sponsorship Coordination Unit

For information on online donations and sponsorships

Office hours

Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m

051 2088540

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