
AlmaLaurea, acting as a bridge between the university and the business world, is an innovative service which makes CVs available on-line for graduates, professional masters graduates, PhD researchers.

Questionnaire for students at the end of their studies

The University of Bologna and AlmaLaurea offer students who are at the end of their studies at the University the chance to fill in an on-line questionnaire with a two-fold purpose:

  • to gather opinions on the university experience coming to an end, to monitor studies and training and analyse the features and performance of graduates, professional masters graduates, PhD researchers, to improve the university's programme catalogue. The results of the research can be found at;
  • to acquire the student's curriculum vitae to facilitate entry into the world of work: in this perspective, the data of the students wishing to take advantage of this opportunity will be made available to those bodies and businesses that so request it.

If you are about to graduate: Fill in the questionnaire

If you are completing a professional master's programme: Fill in the questionnaire

If you are completing a PhD programmes: Fill in the questionnaire

Who to contact for assistance

For university credentials: Studenti Online Help Desk
To access your AlmaLaurea profile: Login
To contact the AlmaLaurea Graduate Service: Contacts

AlmaLaurea service

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