The VRA committee is a joint body responsible for drafting and updating the evaluation criteria for research activities carried out at the University. Previously, similar activities were performed by the Research Observatory (1997 -2013).
The Commitee Regulation, issued with R.D. n. 1021/2013, was amended pursuant to R.D. n. 2429/2024 of 20 december 2024. The amended text is available in NormAteneo: VRA Committee Regulation.
The VRA committee is chaired by the Rector’s Delegate for Open Science, data and research assessment, prof. Francesca Masini, (D.R. n. 45/2025).
Each member is assisted by a panel of experts in handling the wide range of specific research and scientific output associated with the various disciplines.
Check members and panel of experts for each disciplines consulting the Italian version.
The activities of the VRA Committee are supported by the Settore Qualità e valutazione.
Find out more
- Research evaluation Published
See also
- Evaluation Group Published
- ANVUR Published
- MIUR Published
- CRUI Published
APPC - Settore Qualità e valutazione - Ufficio Valutazione della ricerca e della terza missione
Via Zamboni 25 Bologna (BO)