
Professor Stefano Fanti

Stefano Fanti

In keeping with the goals set out as part of the University’s strategic planning process, he promotes and coordinates research activities, especially with reference to basic research. He ensures research training through PhD programme degrees and other forms of apprenticeship, by coordinating with the Vice-Rector for Teaching and the Delegate for Students. He promotes the assessment of the quality of research, the development of competitive projects – including in collaboration with other universities and national and international public entities – and the valorisation of the interdisciplinary aspects of research, with the aim of facilitating knowledge contamination and breaking down the disciplinary barriers that limit the development of new initiatives.
He encourages the development of the University’s infrastructures, laboratories, libraries, and research equipment, by coordinating with the Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation and promotes the internationalization of research, by coordinating with the Vice-Rector for International Relations. He promotes open space policies liaising with the Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation and the initiatives designed to improve the connection between research activities and teaching activities, by coordinating with the Vice-Rector for Teaching. He contributes to the valorisation and diffusion of research results, by coordinating with the relevant Vice-Rectors and Delegates; he manages relations with public and private subjects within the applied research sector, by coordinating with the Delegate for Relations with Businesses and Industrial Research. He ensures that research and third mission activities are aligned, by closely coordinating with the Delegate for Public Engagement and the Delegate for Relations with Businesses and Industrial Research.

The Vice Rector for Research functionally coordinates the activities of the following Delegates:


    Professor Stefano Fanti

    Vice Rector for Research


    +39 051 2099945
    +39 051 2099947
    +39 051 2099301

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