Sabrina Luccarini
Head of Administrative Division
Support the institutional and representative activities of the Rector, the Vice Rectors, and the Director General, also with regard to the coordination of internationalisation activities and strategies and the participation in networks.
Oversee the participation to the European Alliance Una Europa.
Provide consultancy support and services: legal services, Personal Data Protection, civic access and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Executive Legal Design Analyst.
Oversee, with a specific Mission Unit, the coordination and management of projects within the NextGenerationEU plan (PNRR) and strategic projects of the University.
Oversee the management of the Classrooms in the Citadel of Bologna thanks to the steering committee.
Offices providing support to the Rector, Director General, and Vice-Rectors
- Rector and Vice-Rectors Administration Office
- Director-General Administration Office
- International Relation Strategy Support Unit (IRSS)
Services on specific areas
- Legal Services Professional Unit and manager of "Civic access and freedom of Information Act (FOIA)"
- Protection of Personal Data Manager
- Head of Professional Functions “Legal design analyst"
Institutional Affairs
- Steering Committee for the management of Classrooms in the Citadel of Bologna for both teaching activities and other institutional and non-institutional activities
- Internal audit