Health care for international guests (for research activity, teaching activity and personal training)

Useful information for using the healthcare services in Italy.

The Italian national health system is called "Servizio Sanitario Nazionale" (SSN), and is divided into local Healthcare Boards ("Aziende Unità Sanitarie Locali - AUSL"). Consult the information for the AUSL of Bologna and for the AUSL of the Romagna Campuses.

Read the information on healthcare and medical treatment in Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini.

EU citizens

If you hold the European health card (EHIC) card

If you have a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from your EU country of origin, you can receive all medically necessary health services.

To obtain said services, you can go directly to a doctor or a public or affiliated health facility and show your EHIC card. The assistance is direct and therefore nothing is due, except for the payment of a possible contribution ("ticket") which is at your expense and is non-refundable.

Important! With the EHIC Card you can go directly to a general practitioner (also known as a family doctor) chosen from the list of affiliated doctors in Bologna, or from the list of affiliated doctors in other Campuses.

Warning: with the EHIC Card you cannot access treatments "scheduled abroad", i.e. foreseeable (e.g. non-urgent dental treatments, spa treatments, etc.).

If you cannot use the EHIC Card, read "Other cases".

If you have a Certificate of Entitlement (e.g. E106, E 109, etc.)

If you are in possession of a certificate of entitlement other than the EHIC Card, in order to be able to take advantage of healthcare, you normally must first present this certificate to a “Sportello Unico” AUSL (CUP). There they will check whether it is possible for you to register with the National Health Service (SSN), and in this case, you will have the right to full health care under the same conditions as for Italian citizens.

The method of access to health services may vary depending on the entitlement held. Ask for more information at the Sportello Unico (CUP) at the time of registration.

Consult the list of “Sportello Unico” (CUP) in Bologna and Romagna (Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna, and Rimini districts).

Other cases

In the event that you do not have an EHIC Card or a Certificate of Entitlement, you must take out a private health insurance valid in Italy or register with the Italian National Health Service (SSN), where applicable.

  • If you have a private health insurance, you can go to any general practitioner. In case you need a specialist medical examination, you can directly choose which doctor to contact, possibly getting advice from a general practitioner. 
    Important! Private health policies:
    - Do not allow registration with the Italian National Health Service (SSN) or the choice of a general practitioner;
    - Usually require the user to pay the expenses and then ask for reimbursement from the insurance company.
    When purchasing a policy, carefully check the terms and limits of reimbursements. Remember that the health costs to be advanced could be very high, for example in the case of hospitalization. It is advisable to check in advance, by contacting your insurance company, whether the type of benefit you need is refundable.
  • If your stay is for study reasonscheck at Sportello Unico (CUP) if you can register with the SSN. To register voluntarily with the SSN as a student you must be resident in Italy and pay an annual lump sum contribution of minimum €700.
    Warning: registration with the SSN is carried out for a calendar year, from 1 January to 31 December, and it is not possible to pay reduced quotas for shorter periods.
  • If your stay is for research purposes and you have a work contract not subject to IRPEF tax (for example: research fellowship - assegno di ricerca), check at a Sportello Unico (CUP) if you can register voluntarily with the SSN. To register voluntarily with the SSN as a researcher you must be resident in Italy and pay an annual lump sum contribution, calculated based on the income received in the year preceding the year of registration. The table for calculating the fee is available on the Ministry of Health website. In any case the annual lump-sum amount shall not be less than €2.000. Attention: registration with the SSN is carried out per calendar year, from 1 January to 31 December.
  • If you are an employed or self-employed worker and you pay taxes in Italy you are entitled to compulsory and free registration to the National Health Service. Check at a “Sportello Unico” AUSL (CUP) how to register with the SSN.
  • If you hold official residence in Italy for at least 5 years, you may apply from your Municipality of residence for an "Attestato di Soggiorno Permanente" (Certificate of Permanent Residence) which entitles you to register with the Italian National Health Service (SSN) and choose a general practitioner (GP) for an indefinite period. Check at a “Sportello Unico” AUSL (CUP) how to register with the SSN.

Non-EU citizens

Non-EU citizens must register with the Italian National Health Service (SSN) or have valid health insurance in Italy.

Health cover (against the risk of illness, accident, maternity) is also required to obtain a residence permit.

Italian National Health Service (SSN)

Italy has a public health system called the National Health Service (SSN), divided into Healthcare Boards (AUSL).

By registering with the Italian SSN, you are entitled to the same services as Italian citizens. For more details, read what the registration with the SSN entitles you to.

Registration with the SSN is possible for long stays (more than 3 months). Registration methods vary according to your situation in Italy:

  • if you have a Study visa/residence permit, see the procedure for registering voluntarily as a student;
  • if you have a Self-employment (lavoro autonomo) visa/residence permit, you are entitled to mandatory registration with the National Health Service (SSN), free of charge (see following paragraph);
  • if you have a Researcher visa/residence permit and a fixed-term researcher (RTD) contract or another work contract subject to IRPEF tax, you are entitled to mandatory registration with the National Health Service (SSN), free of charge (see following paragraph);
  • if you have a Researcher visa/residence permit and a work contract not subject to IRPEF tax (for example: research fellowship - assegno di ricerca), you can register voluntarily with the National Health Service and pay the relative fee (see following paragraph). You can contact the relevant Department for information on the possibility of obtaining reimbursement of the fee.

How to apply for mandatory registration with the Italian National Health Service (SSN)

To register, you must visit a Sportello Unico AUSL (CUP) in Bologna or Romagna (Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini districts).

Take with you:

  • your passport with visa
  • your contract of employment (and salary slips, if possible)
  • the receipt from the post office confirming the submission of your application for first issue or renewal of your residence permit, or a valid residence permit
  • a self-certification of residence or, if you are not a resident, a statement of effective residence, as shown from your residence permit
  • your Italian tax code.

Mandatory registration is guaranteed immediately; before the issue of your first residence permit the registration is temporary and will be converted with the same duration as your residence permit once you submit this.

How to register voluntarily with the Italian National Health Service (SSN) as a researcher

If you’re applying for issue or renewal of your Researcher residence permit and your work contract is not subject to IRPEF tax (for example: research fellowship - assegno di ricerca), you can register voluntarily with the National Health Service. You have to pay a fee, calculated according to the income you earned in the year prior to that of registration.  This fee is calculated by applying:

  • a 7.50% rate on income up to € 20,658.28;
  • a 4% rate on income exceeding € 20,658.28, up to maximum € 51,645.69.

In any case the annual lump-sum fee cannot be less than €2.000.

Important: registration with the SSN is based on a calendar year, from 1 January to 31 December, and it is not possible to register in advance for the subsequent year. If for example you arrive in September, you must assess whether it is worthwhile for you, as the registration is valid only until 31 December but you must in any case pay the whole annual fee.

To request information about voluntary registration, to verify your eligibility and the amount you should pay, you can contact an AUSL “Sportello Unico” (CUP) office. Consult the list of “Sportello Unico” (CUP) in Bologna and Romagna (Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini).

To register:

  • Pay the annual fee via the ordinary F24 form. You must fill in the following sections:
    • “Contribuente” (taxpayer) entering your personal data;
    • “Sezione regioni” (regions section) indicating: “codice regione” (region code) 06 (Emilia-Romagna) and “codice tributo” (fee code) 8846;
    • “Anno di riferimento” (reference year): the calendar year for which you want to register with the SSN, for example 2025;
    • “Importi a debito versati” (amounts paid): € 2000 or the amount due in your case.

You can pay in various ways. For example, if you have an Italian bank account that offers home banking services, you can fill out a digital F24 form and pay online by debiting your account; you can also pay at any bank in cash or with Pagobancomat cards.

  • Make a copy of your payment receipt and attach it to your application for initial issuing or renewal of your residence permit.
  • Go to a AUSL “Sportello Unico” (CUP) office to activate the coverage and choose a general practitioner. Consult the list of “Sportello Unico” (CUP) in Bologna and Romagna (Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini districts). Bring the following documents with you:

Payment alone does not imply activation of the coverage. You must complete the registration at an AUSL office and choose a general practitioner (family doctor).

Always check the end date of your coverage.

Users registered with the SSN receive a health card (Tessera Sanitaria) by post. The card is sent to the address communicated to the Revenue Agency; you can contact the Revenue Agency to update your address and to request a reprint of the card.

You can contact your Department for information on the possibility of obtaining reimbursement of the fee.

If you live in Forlì-Cesena, Rimini or Ravenna, you can contact the International Relations offices in Cesena, ForlìRavennaRimini for additional information on local support services.

Take out a private insurance

As an alternative to registering with the SSN, you can purchase private health insurance valid in Italy.

To be eligible for the approval of a residence permit, the insurance must be:

  • registered to you;
  • cover the risk of illness, injury, pregnancy.

Compare multiple options to figure out which insurance is best suited to your needs.
Warning! Private health policies:

  • do not allow registration with the Italian National Health Service (SSN) or the choice of a general practitioner;
  • usually require the student to pay the expenses and then ask for reimbursement from the insurance company. 

If you have a private health insurance, you can go to any general practitioner. In case you need a specialist medical examination, you can directly choose which doctor to contact, possibly getting advice from a general practitioner. You have to pay for examinations to both the general practitioner and the specialist doctor and you can then claim reimbursement from your insurance.

When purchasing a policy, carefully check the terms and limits of reimbursements. Remember that the health costs to be advanced could be very high, for example in the case of hospitalization. It is advisable to check in advance, by contacting your insurance company, whether the type of benefit you need is refundable.

If you’re applying for the initial issuing/renewal of a Researcher residence permit and you have a work contract not subject to IRPEF tax (for example: research fellowship - assegno di ricerca), you can contact your Department for information on the possibility of obtaining reimbursement of this expense.

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