About the website and accessibility information

How the University of Bologna Portal is managed and organised, and by whom.

The University of Bologna Portal was developed on the Open Source Plone platform. 

Information Publication Manager

Head of APPC - Planning and Communication Division

Management and updating of contents

The Italian and English versions of the Portal are updated by a central web team under the APPC – Settore Portale e progetti web. The web team coordinates the information with the all the other university structures. 
Some sections of the Portal are updated directly by the individual structures.

Editorial coordination and design
APPC – Settore Portale e progetti web

Technological development and management
Cesia - Settore tecnologie web

The University Images database is managed by APPC - Settore Comunicazione.

Monitoring data

The statistical data concerning access to the unibo.it website (English version)


A website is accessible when it allows you to easily access the contents and services it offers, independently of any mental or physical disability, technical equipment or context in which you are working.

This website was developed in compliance with the current provisions on the accessibility of websites and using the Responsive Web Design technique, to allow consultation also from mobile devices.

Accessibility aims

Accessibility aims 2024 (in Italian)

Accessibility statement

Accessibility statement 2024 (in Italian)

Accessibility reports

Despite monitoring, it is not always possible to guarantee full accessibility to the website, we therefore ask you to report any difficulties you may have in accessing the information and services by writing to .

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