Patents: creating value from innovations

Patents represent the meeting point between the University's research and the needs of society and the market. Patents create new opportunities to develop innovative solutions for the benefit of companies, organisations and citizens.

Our patents stem from extensive research and form the starting point for collaborations with partners who share our same spirit of innovation. Our technologies and our advanced and interdisciplinary expertise turn ideas into concrete solutions, creating value with an impact on society.

Patents to foster development

Every innovation springs from a passion for research. Protecting it with a patent, or with other intellectual property rights, offers a competitive advantage to partners who decide to invest in its development. Patented innovations offer partners:

  • Knowledge and Expertise: every patented innovation stems from years of study and scientific insights by researchers
  • Rights: protecting the intellectual property of patented innovations offers opportunities for exclusive commercial exploitation
  • Application: concrete application areas have already been identified for patented research results, and these can be tailored to the specific needs of partners and/or extended to new contexts

Why partner with Unibo

Collaborating with us on patented innovations means:

  • Enhancing research: it grants access to a portfolio of innovations ready to be applied and developed into innovative products, services and solutions to be offered to the market
  • Benefiting from protected rights: it enables you to enter into licensing or other technology transfer agreements and benefit from commercial exploitation rights of patented innovations
  • Developing together: it enables you to work alongside our researchers, extending the development of innovations or adapting them to the specific needs of your own sector and application context

List of patents

Our patents offer opportunities for partnership and commercial exploitation in various sectors:

  • Bioeconomy, Agriculture, Environment
    Sustainable, innovative technologies to optimise natural resources, improve agricultural productivity and protect the environment
  • Climate, Energy, Mobility
    Solutions for energy transition, climate change mitigation and development of sustainable mobility systems
  • Industry, Digital, Security
    Inventions accelerating digitisation, improving process security and supporting Industry 4.0
  • Biological Materials
    Advanced materials inspired by nature for innovative applications in various industries
  • Health
    Medical technologies and biotechnologies to improve well-being and meet the challenges of modern medicine
  • Plant varieties
    Varietal innovations with improved characteristics compared to those already on the market

See the detailed list of patents


ARIN - Unità di processo KTO - Valorizzazione della proprietà intellettuale

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