Staff recruitment

Every year, we produce a wide variety of talents ready to enter the job market, and support companies and non-profit organisations in their search for qualified personnel among our graduating students and graduates.

In this field, the opportunities for businesses run from teaching partnerships, coming into contact with students before they graduate, to Job Placement services, designed specifically to facilitate contacts with and recruitment of fresh graduates.

Teaching partnerships

Businesses can play an active part in the University teaching activities, helping to define training paths more in line with their own needs, delivering contents that help students familiarise with industrial technologies and applications, and setting students projects to implement for their dissertation or internship.

Participation in consultations with social partners

Businesses are periodically involved by study programme coordinators in the definition of course contents, contributing to making them more functional to the needs of the job market, or by monitoring the correspondence between the competences acquired by graduates and the needs of businesses.


Many course units include interventions by business experts in the class, aiming to enhance the theoretical course contents with practical applications and case studies. These interventions may be seminars lasting a few hours or even a whole teaching module.

For information please contact the degree programme coordinators.

Complete list of first cycle and single cycle degree programmes and second cycle degree programmes.

Dissertations and internships in companies

Businesses can cooperate with the University of Bologna by proposing opportunities for dissertations and internships that students (curricular internship) and fresh graduates ((non-curricular) training and guidance internships) can apply for. This allows companies to come into contact with students and fresh graduates, taking advantage of the internship to get to know each other.

More information about Internships

Job Placement services

The Job Placement team offers a range of services to help students meet the world of work, also supporting businesses wishing to have contact with University graduates, helping them to identify qualified resources in line with the required profiles. The services include:

  • posting of job offers for free on the Almalaurea job vacancy board;
  • access to the CVs of our graduates (after publishing a job offer);
  • promoting employer branding initiatives;
  • taking part in the job fairs the University organises regularly (Career Day and Recruiting Day);
  • planning events on request that will lead to the extensive and specific promotion of the professional figures required (presentation and recruitment days, networking events, visits to companies, job corner, etc.).

More information on Job Placement services

PhD student funding and (possible) recruitment

Businesses can also use the PhD as an indirect recruiting tool. They can in fact take advantage of the multi-annual scientific cooperation of a PhD student, adding them to their own R&D team and then deciding to hire them, benefiting from incentives (high-level apprenticeship PhDs) and tax subsidies (excellences bonus).

More information on PhD programmes for employees 

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