Cooperation and development

International cooperation, as a process of collaboration between countries, institutions, and communities, aims to promote social, economic, and environmental progress in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. It is based on the sharing of knowledge, resources, and skills from different countries to promote sustainable development. The University of Bologna has embraced this vision and encourages community involvement in projects.

The People

The academic and student community, through partnerships and joint research projects with other countries, leverage their skills and knowledge for inclusive cooperation that honours and values cultural diversity and local perspectives. The University of Bologna supports the creation of new international partnerships and promotes funding channels to involve interdisciplinary groups in collaboration with regional, national, and international partners, with the goal of enhancing the global impact of its activities. 

The Networks

The University of Bologna is a member of key academic networks such as the University Coordination for Development Cooperation (CUCS) and the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), to promote and coordinate research projects, training programmes, and awareness initiatives related to international cooperation. It is among the founding members of the IHEA Foundation (Italian Higher Education with Africa), which is dedicated to promoting transnational higher education projects in Africa, spanning from the Mediterranean region to sub-Saharan African countries, in collaboration with African universities.

These networks strengthen the University’s capacity to work in synergy with local communities in the target countries, ensuring a tangible impact at both local and global levels. In the belief that international cooperation brings mutual benefits, the University continues its commitment to contributing to social, economic, and cultural development through mutual learning and mutual benefit.


    ARIN - Settore Local and Global Engagement - Ufficio Servizi a supporto di azioni per il Public engagement

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