- Docente: Laura Toschi
- Credits: 6
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Computer Engineering (cod. 5826)
Learning outcomes
Students will learn the key concepts and techniques concerning the strategic management of innovation and the effective management of new product development processess. Students will also learn the key methods and techniques concerning project management
Course contents
The understandings of the main concepts and techniques of general management represents an important prerequisite for the course (in particular for what concerns the techniques for the financial valuation of investments). The course will be held in Italian, however foreign students (i.e. Erasmus students) could complete the project work and give the final exam in English
Strategic management of innovation
Innovation development projects: characteristics and specificities
Forms and models of innovation
Technological discontinuities and sector dynamics: analysis of technological trends
The diffusion curves of innovations in the market
Intellectual property management in innovation projects
The development of the innovative project plan
The project plan
Industry analysis
Understanding of customer needs and Design Thinking
Approaches for data searches
Business model
The management of innovative projects
Project management: definitions and key principles
The life cycle of projects
The organizational structures for project management
The role of the project manager and the project team
The start of the project
The stakeholders of the project
Project planning: purpose management and WBS
Project planning: time management
Plan, assign and control project resources
Project risk management
Project monitoring and control
Agile Project Management and SCRUM
The reference readings of the course are collected in a McGraw-Hill Create volume edited by the teacher entitled "Gestione dell'Innovazione e dei Progetti" (2a edizione) - ISBN 9781307826852.
A selection of exercises and case studies to be discussed in the classroom will be available by the teacher during the course.
Teaching methods
Case-study discussion
Guest speakers
Project work (group work)
Assessment methods
Exam dates and enrollment lists are managed exclusively by the Almaesami system of the School of Engineering.
There are two exam methods.
A. Students who do NOT make the teamwork
The exam consists of a written test on all the topics covered by the program. The written test includes open questions and multiple choice questions on the whole program. The final grade will be expressed out of 30 and will be given exclusively by the result of the written test.
B. Students who make the teamwork
The exam is divided into two parts:
(i) a theoretical written test focused on a limited number of program chapters, corresponding to the "Strategic Management of Innovation" part detailed in the program (max 6 points).
(ii) a teamwork based on the development of a project plan for a new product / service / software (max 24 points). The topics covered by the group work and the constitution of the groups will be defined together with the teacher during the first lessons of the course. Each group will have to develop a written report of the project plan (max 15 points) and a presentation in the classroom (max 10 points).
Details on teamwork
The students, working in groups, will be involved in the design of a software and physical prototype, in collaboration with AlmaLabor, the maker space of the University of Bologna.
The groups will be guided in the realization of a creative and innovative project to be able to experiment the phases of ideation, design and prototyping of the idea, applying the concepts and techniques of management of innovation and project management, focus of the course.
Laboratory hours will be provided within AlmaLabor to be able to create and test the prototype and make use of the specialized technical staff who will support the groups in the use of cutting-edge materials and machinery.
In consideration of the teaching method adopted, attendance at this activity requires to carry out safety training through modules 1, 2 and 3.
Modules 1 and 2 are compulsory and available in e-learning mode [https://www.unibo.it/it/servizi-e-opportunita/salute-e-assistenza/salute-e-sicurezza/sicurezza-e-salute-nei -places-of-study-and-internship], while the participation in presence of module 3 related to specific training on safety and health in the study places is optional and available on a date chosen from the following upon reservation (9 am-1pm): 28 October, 18 November.
Teaching tools
See the course's website for additional exercises, case-studies and reading materials
Office hours
See the website of Laura Toschi

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.