Information on Medical Specialization Schools

If you want to attend a medical specialization school

If you are a citizen of an EU or non-EU country and want to attend a medical specialization school in Italy:

  • consult the provisions contained in the admission notice for the Specialization Schools, issued annually by the Ministry of Universities and Research. Learn more (link to the site in Italian);
  • you can access the specialization schools with the same requirements as Italian citizens (a degree and license to practice in Italy, or possession of the decree recognizing the foreign qualification for the practice of the medical profession, issued by the Ministry of Health);
  • at the time of application for the competition, you must have an Italian language certificate attesting to knowledge of the Italian language at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Remember that having a degree obtained from an Italian university is equivalent to possessing the certificate attesting to knowledge of the Italian language at level C1 as mentioned in this article.

Find out more

If you are attending a medical specialization school at Unibo

You can find all the information in the Italian section of the specialization schools.

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