Certificates and self-certification

Specialisation Schools - all the information you need to request certificates concerning your university career, including exam and qualification certificates, quickly and easily.

In compliance with art. 15 of Italian Law 183/2011 (stability law 2012), certificates issued by the University of Bologna are valid and can be used only in relations between private individuals. In relations with bodies of the public administration or private managers of public services, all certificates and affidavits are replaced by self-certifications.

In short:

Certificates for:  Private parties, foreign purposes and Italian embassies/consulates. In this case the certificate must always bear a €16 duty stamp.

Self-certification for: Italian Public Administrations and managers of public services.

N.B.: from 1 January 2013 self-certification is also required for residence permit applications. 

Certificates on-line

By accessing Studenti Online  you can obtain certificates concerning your exams and qualifications. The on-line certificates are signed digitally by the university, which guarantees their integrity and authenticity. The digital stamp is a two-dimensional code, viewed as a grey ban, which contains the whole document.
To access the service you must use your institutional credentials. If you do not have your credentials you must contact the  Help Desk Studenti Online.

Certificates not available on-line

All certifications concerning your university career, which are not already available on-line, can be obtained from the Non-Medical Specialisation School Administration office, by completing the form and indicating the reason for your request, including a duty stamp where required.

You can also ask for the certificates to be sent directly to your home, by sending the Non-Medical Specialisation School Administration office, also by fax, a written request together with a copy of your ID document.

If you wish to appoint someone to collect them for you, they must go to the desk with a (simple) written authorisation, signed by you, a photocopy of your ID document and the completed and signed form.

You may request certificates by e-mail only using your University Bologna institutional account (name.surname@studio.unibo.it).


Scuole di Specializzazione di Area non Medica


via Filippo Re n. 10 40126 Bologna

Office hours

Front desk: on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 to 11:15.
Call center: on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00 to 11:15.



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