Areas of Cultural Heritage, Psychology, Veterinary Medicine, Health, Law
See also
Simultaneous enrolment in different programmes: Degree Programmes, Professional Master's, PhDs and Specialisations
From academic year 2022/2023, It is possible to enrol on two courses and obtain two degrees in the same timeframe.
Published -
Controls concerning self-certifications
Methods concerning the automatic acquisition of data and controls performed on self-certifications and declarations in lieu concerning university careers and data concerning specialist medical students and graduates at the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna.
Settore Medici in formazione specialistica - Ufficio Carriere medici in formazione specialistica
(For the administrative fulfilment)
Office: Polo didattico Murri - Policlinico S.Orsola-Malpighi - Via Massarenti 9 - 40138 Bologna. The desk is open by appointment only. Mail: Via Zamboni 33 - 40126 Bologna.
Office hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday:
9:00 - 11:30
Tuesday and Thursday
14:00 - 15:30
+39 051 2094681Scuole di Specializzazione di Area non medica
via Filippo Re 10 Bologna
Office hours
Front Office: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 to 11:15. Telephone reception: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 to 11:15.
+39 051 2091897Fax
+39 051 2091895