Professional Master programme in International Management – MIEX - 8367

Code 8367
Academic Year 2024-2025
Subject area Sociology, Economics, Law
Campus Bologna, Forlì
Level First
Director Giulio Ecchia
Duration Annual
Double degree Yes
Teaching methods Conventional
Language English
Cost € 9.000,00
Instalments first instalment 3.000,00 (three thousand/00) Euro (to be paid by the deadline set for enrolment on 11/07/2024 for window 1, on 19/09/2024 for window 2); second instalment 3.000,00 (three thousand/00) Euro (to be paid by 31/12/2024); third instalment 3.000,00 (three thousand/00) Euro (to be paid by 29/03/2025)
Application deadline

Jul 15, 2024 (Expired)

Enrolment start and end I window: from 13/06/2024 to 11/07/2024 - II window: from 29/07/2024 to 19/09/2024
Main Department
Department of Economics - DSE
Professional Profile
The programme lasts for one year, classroom training is delivered in English, and the programme awards 60 CFU credits. Classes are held full-time. The Master MIEX Head Office is at the School of Economics and Management in Piazza A. Scaravilli 2 - 40126 - Bologna. Lessons will take place in France in Nancy and in Italy in Forlì and Bologna.
In -class academic training is followed by on-field activities held in Italy or abroad and carried out as individual internships or in research assignments (field work) commissioned by firms. At the end of the internship or project work, participants must deliver a written report on the activity performed and the results achieved.
The Master offers a professional training path at the end of which the future managers are able to respond to the specific
operational needs of companies in the field of internationalization of markets, with an excellent linguistic competence and an adequate preparation in sales and management fields. In particular, the course aims to develop the skills and abilities of the professional role through theoretical teaching on core knowledge of business systems, on international management techniques and methodology of research, combined with the practical implementation of an international project.
Number of participants
Min: 15 Max: 70
International Professional Master's programme
Admission qualifications
- first cycle degree and/or second / single cycle degree obtained under D.M. 270/04 or first cycle degree and/or second / single cycle degree obtained under the laws previously in force (DM 509/99 and Old Regulations) in all fields or classes;

- first cycle degree and/or second / single cycle degree obtained abroad deemed equivalent to those described in point above by the admission committee, for the sole purposes of admission to the Master
Linguistic skills
excellent knowledge of the English language
Selection criteria
Admission to the Master is subject to passing the selection process based on the evaluation of qualifications.
The maximum score given by the Admission Board is 100 points, of which the breakdown is as follows:

a) Consistency of the candidate's academic and professional curriculum with respect to the master's cultural and educational path (25 points)

b) Motivation letter (25 points)

c) English Language proficiency (25 points)

d) Academic merit based on grades in previous studies (25 points)

The minimum score of 60/100 must be achieved to pass the selection.
Study plan
  1. International Banking
  2. International Human Resource Management
  3. International Marketing & Brand Management
  4. International Business Law
  5. Strategic Negotiation for Sustainable Growth
  6. International Business Strategy and International Entrepreneurship
  7. Industrial Economics in a Global Context
  8. Strategic Management Accounting
  9. International Finance
  10. Global Supply Chains
Compulsory attendance

AlmaLaurea Master’s Degree survey results